Very worthy of the read, this article speaks to turning some of - TopicsExpress


Very worthy of the read, this article speaks to turning some of our common beliefs completely on their head. It may be that the way our countries looks at addiction and criminality requires a new approach that centers on dealing with the individuals issues and their connection to the whole. Never the less, though it is about addiction, this article to me, speaks to the prevailing concept of the lone individual and their responsibility to take complete care of themselves. I think that is a libertarian idea based on a very narrow understanding of what people are. As this article aptly imply s, we are social creatures that do best when we gather and work together cooperatively. We thrive when we feel we are part of something bigger than ourselves and contribute to it. Unfortunately the world seems to be caught in a media constructed, paradoxical mind set that glorifies total individualism and is trying to force it as our only true world view. We can see the paradox when we love our local sports club for how they play as a team while at the same time worshiping a hand full of specific individuals as the stars. The inherent contradiction in the situation is that it is impossible to tell if the stars would be so, if not for the good work of their team mates. Yes in some rare cases their are those who individually raise the outcome for the whole. Micheal Jordan, Wayne Gretsky, Payton Manning come to mind. But as a whole we have seen many stars move from one team, where they are well supported and thrived, to new teams where they fade into obscurity. It seems evident that team matters. Connection to the whole matters. The better the strength of the whole the better the chances for the strong individual. It is in that kind of vein that I find my own belief in how we are most successful as people. I believe that when we try to go it completely on our own, without reaching out for help, without staying connected to our support systems, this is where we often run up against our own failings and frailties. This is where we get in to trouble that threatens the quality of our own lives. It is my belief that we are most successful as individual when we make the conscious choice to work together for the benefit of each other and the common good. It is not my intent to entirely hijack this articles message but these are the things it makes me reflect on. I highly recommend this piece. Peace.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 20:11:20 +0000

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