Veteran Gp Capt Suhas Sadashiv Phatak Life has very strange - TopicsExpress


Veteran Gp Capt Suhas Sadashiv Phatak Life has very strange ways! One just cannot predict how the things will turn out to be. All calculations and all pre-planning can come to a naught as the Life has a life of its own. The next story from Veteran Suhas is a sad commentary on one of us. The names and the Rank will therefore, will be hidden. Lets just call him Veteran Bhatti. His wifes presumed name here will be Mughda Paranjape. Veteran Bhatti had met his future wife when he had been a bachelor and she was a young lady running an exhibition of her paintings in Pune. Bhatti had some issues with his one kidney and occasionally used to get dialysis done quietly at his own expenditure. The Lady had a visible limp and confided in Veteran Bhatti that an accident had forced the doctors to insert a rod in her leg and the limp is permanent. Veteran Bhatti, however did not tell his medical condition to the lady but continued courting her. They got married with some resistance from the society as it was an inter caste/ inter state marriage. Veteran Bhatti had lots to hide because of his medical situation and started ill treating the lady just a short while after they were married. He would lock her at home whenever visiting the hospital. Social life for the wife was zero as he would not allow her to meet any one. The couple had no children. And one day after a few years, Veteran Bhatti passed away due to poorly treated renal failure. The lady had no clue that a POR should have been taken for her wedding. She also had no clue that her husband should have made the Bank account as joint account and all nominations should have been in her name. Veteran Bhatti did purchase a flat in Pune and the lady learnt that the property was only in her late husbands name. She had not been made a joint owner. Soon Veteran Bhatti,s family members came and lodged a claim on the flat. She had to leave the flat to buy some peace for herself. She then heard about one beacon of light Suhas. She approached him and narrated her story and showed whatever papers she had. Suhas tells that after telling her story Mrs Bhatti sat down and cried and cried, as if she had just unburdened herself. Suhas first met with the Banker and learnt that there was a substantial balance in Bhattis account. He applied for its transfer to the wife. He also liaised with the IAF authorities, the PCDA and all other connected agencies. After protracted correspondence and persistent follow up, the lady got all her entitlements. For our friend Suhas it was just one more day and nothing else. He runs his own car for all errands and expects nothing in return. But surely the difference that he makes to the life of people in distress is something that can be written a lot about. Mrs Bhatti is now not so miserable and has since moved to her native place in Maharashtra. Mrs Bhatti is still in touch with our friend Suhas Sadashiv Phatak.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 03:30:17 +0000

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