Veterans Day always throws me through a loop. Ill just be honest. - TopicsExpress


Veterans Day always throws me through a loop. Ill just be honest. I dont feel like a veteran. I just dont. I go to work everyday to do a job. I think about all the people before me that saw their friends die in front of them and it seems so foreign to me. I guess I should count my blessings and consider that a good thing...which I do. I sit in an office all day. As an instructor supervisor I am responsible for an entire course of instruction. If anyone asks me I will tell them, with no degree of uncertainty, that the F-15 is the most versatile aircraft int the AF inventory. We teach these kids our job. We load munitions in the quickest and most effective way to kill our enemy. We dont pick who that enemy is. Its a job to us. Load it. Kill them. Its a damn fine one Ive ever had. My only job in the military is to make sure that our students at least have a basic idea of what the hell they are doing before we boot their ass to the field...and I couldnt be more thankful. They are the ones I thank. Im just a crusty ass Tech making sure my guys teach their guys what the business is. Im just a cog in the wheel. These new bastards are the ones loading the bombs that change the world. When you look at the people that are dying over in the AOR they are of all ages. What really gets me though is seeing the toll it takes on the 18, 19, 20, and 21 year olds. Those are the guys I thank. Everyone dies. Thats just the nature of the beast. I didnt join the military so other people can thank me. In fact, dont thank me. Its my job. I joined because I said thank you to something bigger than me. I love my country. I love for everything it stands for. Despite all of the other people I despise that proclaim their ignorance to what our country is designed for, I still love what we are meant to be. That is exactly why I am here, in this spot typing these words today. Thank you to every one who came before me. Thank you to everyone who has the balls to come after me.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 03:17:59 +0000

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