Veterans day is coming up and I know to a lot of people it just - TopicsExpress


Veterans day is coming up and I know to a lot of people it just means another day off or a three day weekend. But I ask that you just take the time and remember what this day really means and what it stands for. Take time out of your busy lives and really think of what you have in life and why you have it. Some people may think Im just writing this because I myself am a veteran, but no thats not the reason. For those of you who know me I dont post much on facebook, if anything. Im writing this because I myself am very thankful for what I have in my life and the freedoms I have from men and women who are serving now and the ones who have served before me. Our society often takes for granted the freedoms and luxuries we have. I have been fortunate to have served with some of the greatest America has to offer. There is not a day that goes by that I dont think about the men who I have fought with overseas and not a minute goes by that I dont think about the ones my platoon lost while serving this great country. Most will never understand what a infantryman goes through but understand this, an infantryman does what he does for his brother next to him and the ones that came before him. Then.... then he comes home and gets out of the military to a country that for the most part has forgotten where it came from and how and why it is the way it is today. So again I ask that you take the time to remember our veterans and especially the ones that are not here, the ones who laid it all out for this country, the ones that sacrificed their lives so you could live yours a little easier.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 01:55:19 +0000

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