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Via: Ashtar Sheran RADIO ANYTIME~ or SATURDAYS LIVE~ or DOMINGOS En Espanol both 8PM CA. 9PM MT. 10PM Midwest / CST. 11PM NY/FL EST TIME. @ blogtalkradio/weareallonemovie/2014/03/02/lord-ashtar-sheran-radio-show-weekly-on-saturdays-2013 Halo u I am YOU ~ YOU are ME ~ WE ARE ALL ONE ~ Huge BALL of DIVINE LIGHT~ & so it is... DREAM~ DREAM ~ DREAM~ All is Yours~ just BELIEVE~ Namaste Lets Talk @ AshtarSheranRadio Listen Free @ GalacticFL ~ WATCH MOVIE CRAVE ANYTIME@ MonalizaProductions Light & Love Namaste ~ Matthew Ward - March 3, 2014 With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Despite what may appear to be the contrary, happenings around your world are steadily moving your society forward. Citizens’ protests against government leadership or policies from community level to national is forcing resolution of issues that have been causing considerable dissatisfaction—this is releasing negativity so it cannot become entrenched. Turbulence in the Ukraine will bluster on, but there is insufficient momentum in Earth’s energy field of potential for eruption into a widespread battleground. Random acts of violence will continue to provide karmic experiencing for all persons involved, and it is to be expected that political and diplomatic negotiations will bog down from time to time on the way to peaceful accords. You can expect more arrests, firings and resignations in the international banking community and some governments, and it appears that a shake-up in the Vatican is on the horizon. Such disparate groups as churches, multinational corporations, civic and school organizations and nonprofit agencies are cooperating in major projects to expand educational and employment opportunities. The unstoppable stream of progress into increasingly lighter energy planes is being aided by souls who are starting to ponder more deeply than day-to-day functioning. These awakening souls are adding more light to the abundance generated on Earth and showered upon the planet from distant sources, and each new sparkle heightens vibratory levels. Your real estate industry talks about the importance of “location, location, location.” Of infinitely vaster importance to your world and all its residents is “vibrations, vibrations, vibrations,” and helping to raise the vibrations is why you are there. Thus, we are eager to address readers’ questions that are stirring in the minds of many other lightworkers, too. How can we know if we’re adhering to, or honoring, our life contracts? What are the indications of fulfilling or failing in our life’s mission? I am in despair about the millions who are in dire circumstances, but what can I do to help them? Are we doing enough to help Earth herself? How can I handle situations that are beyond my control, like decisions people make that seriously impact my life? Others are asking how to help dear ones who resist truthful information if it doesn’t support their narrow views and how to manage debilitating illnesses or financial hardship. While these may seem to be quite different issues, the answers to all come from the same all-powerful source: your soul. So first we say, the soul continuously sends guidelines to the consciousness to keep you aligned with your contract choices. These guidelines, which are as clear as neon signs pointing in the directions you chose, may come as words but most often are strong sensations. When you are heeding your soul’s messages, in heart and mind you feel as if you are flowing lightly with the current, so to say—this is your soul saying “Good job!” Conversely, when your free will decision, action or inaction goes against your contract, you experience uneasiness and discomfort—you wish you had made a different choice. The lighthearted feeling of a “clear” conscience lets you know that what you did was right; feelings of guilt, regret or remorse signify that it wasn’t. Be aware that if the latter feelings are ignored time after time, the conscience begins to atrophy and mean-spiritedness and apathy start to feel natural. Instinct is a spontaneous reaction to a situation that poses grave danger to you, a loved one or a stranger, and acting instantly can be life-saving. Using intuition is a contemplative process of “asking within” for advice, then stilling your mind. You may want to know, for instance, whether a particular person is the best choice as a lifetime partner; if a proposed business venture is in your best interests; when an investment of time, energy or money is wise; if relocating or accepting a job offer is a good idea. As you contemplate any of those kinds of situations or another matter of great importance to your future, if the urge to act upon the idea becomes stronger, your soul is speaking ever more loudly to motivate you to take relevant action. If reluctance to take the next step persists, your soul is saying “Don’t do this.” While exercising your power of discernment is similar, it provides answers you’re seeking at the moment. That could be whether it would be wise to share your thoughts with someone, which information is the truth for you and which is not, if silence about a matter is kinder than speaking up, does a particular situation deserve your attention—that is, separating the trivial from the worthwhile. Acting upon inspirations and aspirations leads to fields of endeavor and major activities you chose in your soul contract. Being true to yourself in this respect results in a gratifying sense of fulfillment whereas spending your life doing what someone says you should instead of following your heart’s desire brings restlessness and discontentment. Why are we telling you what you already know? Because, our beloved family, you aren’t using that knowledge to the fullest! Questioning at deeply introspective levels is extremely important indeed, and that huge step out of third density consciousness is an arduous trek, to be sure. However, the next step—getting your answers within—comes as easily and swiftly as you will allow. Within your soul is all the knowingness, assurance, self-confidence, caring, wisdom and strength you’ll ever need in this lifetime. Seek and ye shall find. More at: https://facebook/ashtarsheranradio or AshtarSheranRadio . Fox News has admitted in the video below that the US government has told a “fantastical incredible lie” about Fukushima radiation coming to America’s shores as the East Coast gets lit up by radiation including RADCON 4 alerts issued for Washington DC and Richmond, Virginia as shown in the screenshots below. Warning that radiation from Japan is “the gift from Japan that keeps on giving”, Fox anchor Shepard Smith confirms that they knew they were being lied to by the US govt but couldn’t confirm it at the time. In the 2nd video below, Leuren Moret confirms that Fukushima radiation has made Hawaii and the Pacific Islands unsafe for humans. Video 1: youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=8ybcWxHDOxc Video 2: youtube/watch?v=PST3HysmSPk&feature=player_embedded More at: https://facebook/ashtarsheranradio or AshtarSheranRadio . . . . .
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:55:12 +0000

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