Via Chicanos Unidos Share News Coverage. This is what a - TopicsExpress


Via Chicanos Unidos Share News Coverage. This is what a Grassroots March looks like. Largest march to make it to Disneyland. Nobody can do it for us, we gotta do it. Today we march, tomorrow we organize. Young Survivors ( a grassroots org made up of those whos families members were murdered by cops) led a great March. Genevieve(mother of Manuel Diaz and Young Survivors ) and Donna (mother of Joel Acevedo and Anaheim Community Coalition.....and running for Anaheim City Council) were great on the mic. Thanks to all the families. Thanks to all the organizations who helped organize. Tustins Sales and Villa families, Jesus Aguirre, Copwatch SA, In League Press, PODER, Anaheim youth, Skandalouz Riot, People Justice Network, RAIZ, El Centro and Union de Barrio. Thanks Erick and Union who organized the LA bus for LA turnout. Thanks to the orgs who from LA who came National Brown Berets, East Los Brown Berets, Partido Nacional de La Raza Unida, Youth Justice Center, STAY, Young Survivors, IWW, and Young Communist League. Thanks to Todo Poder al Pueblo out of Oxnard and the organizers out of El Monte and Aloni Bonilla Excerpt from Press Release: We will march to honor the memory of our loved ones. We will march to make you listen, We will march to let the world know that our loved ones mattered, We will march to end police privileges “Police Bill of Rights”, We will never give up. We are against the violations of basic civil rights, most notable the right to life. We want it to be known that the police have developed a “shoot first” philosophy when in our communities. Referring to our neighborhoods as gang-infested and labeling our neighbors as gang members, affiliates, criminals, delinquents, etc. is not just stereotyping when it is used as evidence and as the primary justification for use of lethal force. We are here to let it be known that the Anaheim Police Department and police departments across California and the Unites States are responsible for the deaths of many of our loved ones. We want the police and the city that oversees every police department to be held accountable. We want an end to the Police Bill of Rights that provide special privileges to police who kill and are often the reason murders are ruled as justified. Justice for all those killed by the Anaheim Police Department Manuel Diaz, Joel Acevedo, Martin Angel Hernandez, Caesar Cruz, Marcel Ceja, Robert Moreno Jr., Bernie Cervantes Villegas, Roscoe Cambridge, Gerardo Pineda, David Raya, Barry Konigsberg, Justin Hertl, Joe Whitehouse, Anthony Sanchez, Brian Drummond Justice for All those killed by police across the state and across the nation End Police Abuse! End Police Bill of Rights! Jail Killer Cops! Dont forget to like and share our page. Ignore the orgs name on the yellow signs.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 23:39:23 +0000

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