Via Ezilis Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) #Haiti - TopicsExpress


Via Ezilis Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) #Haiti Regarding: Obama pleads for immunity for UN bringing cholera to Haiti ( ) Ezili Dantòs Note: The cover-up of the US occupation in Haiti is reinforced by IDJH representing Haiti cholera victims. Paul Farmer is on the board of IDJH. This and the other usual suspects pushing the colonial narrative in the IDJH case, makes the lawsuit a joke in the first place. With the Paul Farmer/IDJH crew representing Haiti cholera victims, its like the UN was representing the plaintiffs it harmed. The US and the UN managed to work for their own interests while processing a suit to make it seems as if Haitians can get justice from the very actors who took Haitis sovereignty. As if the Haiti plaintiffs had unconflicted legal representation. With this deception, the imperialist and their minions covered all their bases. The outcome is inevitable. The colonial narrative, the pretense that the US has nothing to do with the arrival of deadly cholera in Haiti, continues. Paul Farmer will be giving more ineffective two year cholera vaccines to Haitians. Paul Farmer might continue to give these ineffective cholera vaccines in St. Marc where a world renowned epidemiologist, who, unlike Paul Farmer is an actual cholera expert say there is NO CHOLERA. ( and Piarroux: Haiti Epidemic Could Be Gone in Months, Vaccination Target St Marc Has No Cholera.) Bill Clinton will continue to help sell cholera insurance to impoverished and sick Haiti cholera victims. The Obama State Department shall continue throwing its weight behind the fiction that the United States has no responsibility for Haitis cholera, famine, resource pillage, the populations total disenfranchisement; no interests in Haiti other than that of an innocent bystander doing good for a poor neighbor! Stealing Haiti offshore islands. Pillaging Haiti gold, copper. Tourism in the time of cholera! All, while keeping their do-gooder mask on, is win, win for the fake humanitarians and their capitalist funders. (UN has immunity from Haiti cholera lawsuit: US - ) Essentially, the IDJH lawsuit reinforces the cover up of the US occupation of Haiti. The case allowed Obama to plea for immunity for the UN bringing cholera to Haiti without ever showing that this US official posture was inevitable as the US is pleading to be absolved of its own wrong in Haiti. These US peace and justice progressives ignore that the US owns the primary responsibility for the UN presence in Haiti that brought the deadly cholera. The cover-up is mind boggling in its sophistication. Paul Farmer, the UN guru for cleaning up Haiti water system that the UN poisoned is also on IDJHs board and the former UN deputy envoy to Haiti as well as the head of the NGO providing cholera vaccines to Haitians. The US declaration that the UN has immunity for killing Haitians is an inside job. Those who deliberately ignored the US war on Haiti are complicit with US imperialism and terror in Haiti. The NGOs in Haiti perpetuate the lies for their own survival and greed. Also, notice how this article (UN has immunity from Haiti cholera lawsuit: US | Business Standard announcing the US position makes as if the UN came into Haiti not to legitimized the ouster of a democratically elected Haiti government BUT as humanitarians after the earthquake. And the media lies for empire, goes on and on... The article says: There had been no cholera in Haiti for at least 150 years until it was allegedly introduced to the Caribbean nation by Nepalese UN peacekeepers sent there in the wake of the devastating earthquake in January 2010. Haiti has less violence than most Caribbean countries and than most nations in the Western hemisphere. The US, responsible for the destruction of Haitis fledgling participatory democracy in 2004 and covering it up through a UN chapter 7 peacekeeping force when theres no war in Haiti, continues the fiction that it is an innocent bystander, primarily funding a 10-year UN mission in Haiti for philanthropic purposes. (UN claims to be above the law, says its legal to kill 8000 Haitians with impunity Pleading immunity for itself but under the UN cover that the IDJH/Paul Farmer lawsuit helped to keep in place, Obama State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki sheds crocodile tears, expressing sympathy for the Haiti victims over the tragic loss of life due to the cholera outbreak. But, she told reporters: the United States has legally binding treaty obligations that require it to afford the UN immunity from suit and also provide immunity of UN officials. Haiti is open for business. Haitian death caused by the warmongers and poverty pimps business, along with Haiti suffering, Haiti labor, Haiti lands, water system, oil, gold, iridium, uranium, offshore islands and deep water ports, are all for privatizing. The imperialist despots, with the help of the humanitarians and NGOs with satchels of monies from establishment forces, are there to keep the fiction of a philanthropic US, OAS, UN and World Bank going. Ezilis HLLN is the marginalized voice of truth speaking truth to power for 20-years now. Never wavering. The white saviors of Haiti are always announcing that democracy and justice has won, whether its with prosecuting Duvalier or US for cholera through the UN. Yet, Duvaliers henchmen are back in power, put there by Bill and Hillary Clinton under the Obama administration. Haiti does not have democracy but dictatorship. The Western human rights organizations refuse to take action against the US government and its coup plotters in Haiti. This, hinders the Haitian people from fighting back as they should, waste time in useless actions that do little more than make the white saviors feel that theres some redeeming value in US foreign policy in Haiti, in US international financial institutions and the capitalists system that vies for the soul of black and non-white nations. The West has two faces, one evil. (Democratic Party arm criticized in Haiti project for spending on big foreign salaries and Washington office overhead, By George Russell- ; Nonviolence in the Service of Imperialism ( The majority of the peace and justice human rights organizations take monies from empire and their minions, cover-up their espionage work for empire and how theyre powerful tools in the service of imperialism. Ignore the co-oped Western human rights organizations. Every human has the right to self defense. Stand your ground Ayiti. (Haiti: Time to remember Kandyo, the Malfini and Mongoose Ayisyen, alaso! Pa kite blan kolon finn detwi nou ak manti. Haiti, liberate yourself! Living without honor is worst than death. “Grenadye alaso sa ki mouri n’ap vanje yo!” –Indigenous Army of Ayiti, 1791 Ezili Dantò of HLLN March 8, 2014 E, e, Mbomba! Kanga Bafyòti. Kanga Mundele. Kanga Ndòki. Kanga li! *********************************************** Forwarded by Ezilis Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network *********************************************** Ezili on Haiti, four years after quake HLLN Urgent Action Alert 2 - Haiti is not for sale! Release Matulnes! ezilidanto/zili/2014/03/free-ile-a-vache/ Tourism is Not Development: Haiti, Liberate Yourself! bitly/1jRB1IC [ezilidanto] The West has two faces, ONE evil | Evil has adopted civil disobedience to facilitate the ouster of anti-imperialistic governments. Reversing the tables on the intentions of Martin Luther King, theyve effectively used nonviolence as a rhetoric and powerful tool in the service of imperialism, erzilidanto, 02/25/2014 - [ezilidanto] Norways money to the Democrats (NDI )to help Haiti (4 out of every 10 dollars in NDI’s $1.6 million budget) went to pay Washington salaries and overhead. NDIs Haiti in-country field director received sa lary benefits and allowances -including a “hardship ” payment of more than $256,000 while half of the local NDI Haiti staff doing the local work were fired for lack o f funding, erzilidanto, 02/27/2014 ******************* UN has immunity from Haiti cholera lawsuit: US AFP | Washington March 8, 2014 - A New York court should grant the United Nations immunity from legal action brought by victims of a cholera outbreak in post-earthquake Haiti that killed thousands, US officials have said . The petition demanding compensation was filed last year on behalf of a sample group of five Haitians and said at least 8,300 people had died from cholera and a further 679,000 others had fallen ill since the outbreak began in October 2010. There had been no cholera in Haiti for at least 150 years until it was allegedly introduced to the Caribbean nation by Nepalese UN peacekeepers sent there in the wake of the devastating earthquake in January 2010. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said yesterday the US administration had filed a statement to the court asserting that the United Nations, the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and assistant secretary-general for UN peacekeeping operations are immune from suit in this case. The brief, which was filed by the Department of Justice, had met a yesterday deadline as the New York district court decides whether the case can proceed. Expressing sympathy for the victims over the tragic loss of life due to the cholera outbreak, Psaki said the US government did not lack empathy. But the United States has legally binding treaty obligations that require it to afford the UN immunity from suit and also provide immunity of UN officials, she told reporters. The source of the cholera epidemic was traced to a river that runs next to a UN camp in the central town of Mirebalais, where Nepalese troops had been based. The strain of cholera is the same as one endemic in Nepal. The outbreak resulted from the negligent, reckless, and tortuous conduct of the defendants, the petition says. It further alleged that the UN failed to exercise due care to prevent the devastating outbreak of such disease, even though it knew that Haitis weak water and sanitation made it vulnerable to waterborne diseases. The Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, which brought the petition on behalf of the victims, appealed to US Secretary of State John Kerry in a letter Tuesday to do everything in his power to ensure that victims of Haitis ongoing cholera epidemic have their day in court and can access justice. ******** The West has two faces but ONE evil. Whether were looking at the NGOs pushing the Democratic partys imperialism initiatives or the US Republican partys power imperialism. Both work for Wall Street. Whether its NDI (The Democrats)or IRI (The Republicans), both are equally corrupt in Haiti. Both Republicans and Democrats created and sustain the operations of USAID. They just have different styles...for getting Haitis masses to the same result on behalf of the global oligarchy - to more dependency, domination and endless debt. Different styles for expanding neoliberalism, privatizing disaster relief, opening up new export markets for dumping US goods and services in neo-colonized countries, all behind the benevolent mask of bringing foreign aid and UN or US humanitarian help....Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are about to put USAID out of the business of creating export markets in the former colonized nations for US big business interests. The truth is, USAID’s so-called “progressive” or “humanitarian” work, represents 50-years of failure. But, USAID is still “open for business” because, as Shah once, in an effort to solicit more taxpayer funds, clearly explained: “USAid can assist in the creation of the (U.S. export) markets of tomorrow. ---Haiti: Time to remember Kandyo, the Malfini and Mongoose ...Stop being so CONFUSED folks by the rebranding of the same old fascist. The good cop/bad cop play-acting of the Democrats and Republicans or that of the progressives and the right wingers. At the end of the day, in Haitian folkloric peasant parlance, Haiti is the chicken and the malfini and the mongoose are just fighting over which will either swoop down from the sky (the malfini -bird of prey) or crawl from the ground (the mongoose) to eat you - the chicken! ---Haiti: Time to remember Kandyo, the Malfini and Mongoose https://facebook/groups/FreeHaitiMovement/permalink/10153855420200394/ |
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 03:34:33 +0000

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