Via KASHIF KHANZADA GUJJAR burns CHUDA ........sabaab hi sabaabA - TopicsExpress


Via KASHIF KHANZADA GUJJAR burns CHUDA ........sabaab hi sabaabA lower caste Chuda Christian couple, who had 4 children were burnt alive in a clay oven like you see in the photo.........the Chuda christian couple had a dispute with a Gujjar Sunni Punjabi Muslim ( equal to OBC or middle caste Hindus).......these messih ( a common name for Chuda Punjabi Christian, couple had borrowed money from this devout Muslim Gujjar and had refused to pay it back.....this made our macho Gujjar angry ......and next was same boring story of the allegation of desecration of Holy Quran by these illetrate, daanger ( punjabi for animal) sunni Punjabi Muslims ........A crowd in their hundreds gathered led by some low life mauvi and first they broke the legs of the couple, so that they could not run and then they pushed them alive in the burning clay oven used for making bricks the time police arrived, only few bones were left of the couple .....JUSTICE DONE .........................btw....wife was pregnant with 5th child ...----------------------------------------MARKANDEY KATJU -- Ecrasez LinfameA Pakistani Christian couple, Shahzad Masih ( 35 ) and his wife Shama ( 31 ), were beaten up and then burnt alive by a fanatic mob in a village 50 kms. from Lahore.They had been working in a kiln of one Mohammed Yusuf Gujjar. They along with their 4 children wanted to leave the kiln as Yusuf was not paying Shahzads wages, but allegedly Yusuf demanded Rs. 5 lacs if they wanted to quit.According to Emmanuel Sarfraz, a relative of Shahzad, two days after an exchange of words in which Shahzad demanded his past wages, Yusuf locked the couple along with their children in a room, and then got an announcement made from two mosques that the couple had committed blasphemy by burning pages of the Holy Quran. Consequently, a large fanatic mob led by clerics reached the kiln, broke into the room, dragged the couple out of it, tortured them, and then threw them alive into the kiln.No one in the crowd listened to the couple who were pleading that they were innocent, and that Yusuf had made a false allegation of blasphemy against them only because they wanted to leave the kiln as Yusuf was not paying Shahzads wages. Thank God they did not burn the children , said Emmanuel. He said that police from a nearby post had reached the spot on time, but did not intervene.Human Liberation Commission Pakistan Chairman, Aslam Sahotra, who visited the spot, saw the remains of the couple. It was all ashes and some bones of the couple which is left to bury he remarked.Many people have been taken into custody for this heinous and barbaric offence, but they will of course be acquitted, as no one will dare to testify against them, no lawyer will take up the prosecution brief ( those lawyers who have defended blasphemy accused in Pakistan are often murdered ), and no judge will dare to convict ( vide Asia Bibis case ).This is the direct, inevitable, consequence of creating a fake, artificial entity called Pakistan ( I refuse to call it a country, because it is not ) on a theological basis in a sub continent of such diversity that only secularism can work here.Was I wrong when I said that Pakistan has become a Jurassic Park ?हम लोग कितने निकम्मे और निर्लज्ज है, हम लोग पाकिस्तान मे रह रहे अपने मूलनिवासी आदिवासी और दलित भाईयो को भूल चुके है। यहा भारत मै हमे सिर्फ विदेशी हिन्दुओ से भेदभाव सहन करना पङता ।है लेकिन वहाॅ उन्हे अत्याचारो की दोहरी मार झेलनी पङती है। वहा पाकिस्तान के मुसलमान धार्मिक आधार पर हमारे लोगो के ऊपर अत्याचार करते ही है,वही दुसरी तरफ अपने आप को ऊची जात का बताने वाले विदेशी जात वाले कुत्ते हिन्दु भी पाकिस्तानी मुसलमानो से कुछ कम पीछे नही है। हम लोग अपने मे इतने खो गये है कि हम भूल ही गये है कि हमारे बहुत सारे भाई हमसे भी बहुत बहुत ज्यादा परेशानियो मे जानवरो की जिन्दगी जिने को मजबूर है। मूलनिवासी चाहे भारत का हो या पाकिस्तान का मूलनिवासी हमेशा मूलनिवासी ही होता है। हम भूल कैसे सकते है अपने खून को। अगर हम अपने तक ही सीमित रहे तो हम अपने ही लोगो के गद्दार कहलायेंगे।।। जो हमे कभी भी मन्जुर नही होना चाहिये।
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 23:25:49 +0000

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