Via Kevin Barrett: One thing I missed in the original blog post: - TopicsExpress


Via Kevin Barrett: One thing I missed in the original blog post: The timing of the Charlie Hebdo event was suspicious, not only because it closely followed Netanyahu’s threat that France was making a grave mistake by supporting Palestinian statehood and unleashed pre-scripted Zionist talking points against France’s pro-Palestine position… …But also because the Zionists are panicking at the success of European anti-New-World-Order parties in general, and the French Marine LePen/Alain Soral/Dieudonné contingent in particular. This event looks like it was orchestrated to use against Soral and Dieudonné, who had been obscenely attacked in Charlie Hebdo right before the big false flag. Shortly after the Charlie Hebdo news broke, Zionist assets were already tweeting attacks on Soral and Dieudonné as if they were reading from the same pre-scripted list of talking points. Of the many suspicious bits of forensic evidence that Charlie Hebdo was a false flag, one of the most striking was the news that one of the alleged terrorists supposedly dropped his ID card at the scene of the crime! (Shades of Satam al-Suqami’s “magic passport” planted near the WTC rubble on 9/11.) Then there are the video anomalies. Videos of the supposed execution-style slaying of a police officer don’t feature the blood or blast effects one would expect. VT Editor Gordon Duff cites ballistics experts who say footage of AK47 rounds supposedly hitting concrete with no visible effect, while the reports sound like blanks, with none of the secondary reports or echoes associated with real bullets, suggest a staged event rather than an actual shooting. Some of the youtubes presenting this evidence have already been taken down for “violating terms of service.” Below is one that is – at this writing – still up. Stay tuned to Veterans Today for updates.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 02:46:39 +0000

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