Via Khalifa Dikwa Phd Maj. Hamza Al-Mustapha is finally home - TopicsExpress


Via Khalifa Dikwa Phd Maj. Hamza Al-Mustapha is finally home after 14 years of vendetta As we sincerely rejoice with well meaning Nigerians over the release of our brother Major Hamza Al-Mustapha, we thank Allah for guiding the Court of Appeal aright which concluded that the whole thing was politically motivated. I appeal for restraint in our outbursts as some of us who are protected by the Creator despite their many plots to eliminate us. I say so because we want to observe his security and his health of mind and physique as an intelligent officer from the North up to 2015, owing to the fact that we can hardly see any politically relevant patriotic mind who opposed the destruction of Nigeria and corruption since 1999 who is still alive, healthy or in position of influence no matter where in world his personal physician lives. The devil’s advocates are globally connected to track his movements for which they pay heavily as they always do to extract information from the highest intelligent officer notwithstanding the many LEAKS through the rebelling former agents or double agents. I am sure one day we will have a Nigerian version of Wikileaks probably called Naijaleaks in view of the petition by close aides to former president Obasanjo to the National Assembly leadership to confess on Mega Corruption and Assassination. Hamza was punished for doing his job professionally while the fronting and compromised arrow heads including Army generals who spearheaded or insisted on Obasanjo for President despite many capable hands from the Yoruba zone. Those of them who were tutored by the foreign intelligence services wanted Hamza to respect their political or military ranks and give them free access to Gen. Sani Abatcha to enable them act the script of their rich, bribing and deceitful masters to eliminate Gen. Abacha and install their cronies to lead to what Nigeria is going through now. Gen. Abatcha had to go for dumping the neo- colonial powers overbearing influence to under-develop Nigeria as the leading African nation and pitched his tent with the Eastern Block on the advice of the likes of the slain Gadhafi of Libya whose country is destroyed after Afghanistan, Somalia, D.R Congo etc. Abatcha’s move to make friends from Eastern Bloc in order to compete along the US and its European Allies notably England in the fixing of Nigeria was not acceptable to the traditional exploiters of Africa to see him extend a sincere hand of friendship to China, Russia, the leading Asian Tigers as well as some economically prosperous South American countries like Brazil, Venezuela etc. for a mutually beneficial south-south cooperation to practically fix the basic infrastructure that Nigeria needed to become an economically and political giant in Africa after over 48 years of 5 Ds -deceit, disease, death, disaster and destabilization imposed by the West. Abatcha’s crime was his understanding of the lopsided game to do what they want and not what the people of Nigeria want hence opted to risk his life just like his friend Gadhafi to criticize them and not to listen to US Republicans under G W Bush, England under T Blair, France under Sarkozy etc by floating the Vision 2010 document produced by Representatives from all parts of Nigeria to block the making of a time bomb or insurgency that we are experiencing now due to non- employment notably by fist of all investing in education and fixing electricity, railways, seaways and roads sectors as well as develop the abundant human and material resources through the PTF under the impeccable, patriotic and incorruptible Gen. Buhari. Having been informed of the conspiracy to block the foreign accounts with which to pay for the fixing of the infrastructure, Gen, Abacha had to create other accounts which turned out by the media to be called Abacha loots, the late no nonsense Abatcha declined to visit most of those countries to avoid their aggressive pressure or plots which Nigeria has fallen into under any African leaders with inferiority complex and cluelessness who are afraid of the media blackmail and usual conspiracy to create ignorance, poverty and insecurity in our country especially in the north so as to control the leaders, the economy and resources especially oil and mineral resources. Head or tail where are the recovered funds from the so called Abatcha loots invested in? We hope that Major Hamza’s release is the beginning of correction of all the imbalances created by the governments of Gen. Abdulsalam, Gen. Obasanjo and now by the kitchen cabinet members of President Jonathan after the trick done to the north in the choice of the sick President Umaru Yar’adua. However, President Jonathan still has an ample opportunity to write his name in gold between now and 2015 now that the north is going through the hidden agenda that the foreign intelligence services failed to execute after the counter coup to the 1966 coup d’état that consumed great leaders of the first Republic and after the assassination of Gen. Murtala. For instance, the whole north with its leading population and land mass is at present represented by less than 12% in the federal public service and political appointments. Unfortunately, those who were picked to destroy the north fail to understand that a country is like a human body wherein the whole body will suffer from the slightest tooth ache or finger pains. It is not yet uhuru.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 06:37:16 +0000

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