Via Max Bliss.... Friends...Overpopulation is a globalist myth - TopicsExpress


Via Max Bliss.... Friends...Overpopulation is a globalist myth as is the whole climate change issue, designed to be the vehicle to bring about the New World Order using draconian new variants of communism, such as Sustainable Development with subprograms such as The Bioeconomy, Internet of Things, Horizon 2020 designed to monitor every human with emerging science to save (enslave) the planet....! Many people have become like rabbits caught in the headlights, believing the decades long, carefully planned propaganda. No one mentions the activity of the sun...that is in perfect correlation with the climate...? No one mentions the joint efforts of UK, USA, RUSSIA and other members of the Arctic council (seriously entertaining this for over 100 years), to openly, until the mid 1960s, the desire to intentionally melt the Arctic region for access to shipping lanes, exploit resources and open up vast tracks of land...? The fact that the Arctic is melting much faster than any other area might be a clue...? Ionospheric heaters that can steer jet streams and influence space weather and create sudden stratospheric warming events which can create the polar vortices....? The increase in cloud cover for the Arctic is a linear increase over the last 20 years and clouds play a major role in climate regulation via absorption, scattering, albedo etc... in fact there is an unusual increase in cloud cover over vast regions of our planet, generally related to aircraft. Yet few link the historical pursuit to force global warming with climate engineering such as targeted ozone depletion (Vladimir Zworykin 1945) and the current trends...? The political agenda related to Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) or the re-branded name Climate Change (as global warming paused 1997-IPCC) is colossal, with Carbon Tax, Cap and Trade schemes, UN Climate Treaty pushed for 2015, Corporate (globalists) funded marches demanding and herding the masses into climate action (ultimately only quick fix is Solar Radiation Management - cloud making), 500 new climate laws for 2015 in 66 of the worlds key nations... hooray some will shout and not enough suppression of the useless eaters that are the cancer of this world, demonizing CO2 (vital for life on this planet) as a pollutant which actually is not confirmed scientifically as a the main driver of climate, with many holes in the current theories of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW)....however, as the decades long propaganda engrained into the psyche kick in, having surreptitiously created an army of eco warriors or Gaia zealots force fed their climate dogma over the years, willing to embrace the Agenda 21 which would truly enslave life on our planet for the sole benefit of the worlds elites... The truth is, that the worlds elites have been plotting the mechanisms to get the worlds population to love their servitude, to acquiesce to their agenda for the 21st century and the climate issue (industry) is their vehicle to bring in what they frequently refer to as the New World Order. This long term agenda is to arrest the development of the third world and the whole world not because of the engineered resource scarcity, supposed population problem or the climate issue but to maintain the position of the worlds globalist elites and their infrastructure of absolute control at the top of the pyramid of power, their global empire. There is strong evidence that a covert weather and climate modification program has been in development since before WW2 and has been deployed since at least the late 1990s in order to create weather extremes used for media hype and establishments propaganda for the mass deception simulating the supposed symptoms of AGW.. The science is supposedly settled but there are many thousands of dissenting scientists who are increasingly speaking out on the shaky, climate science and inaccurate models, together with various scandals (climate-gates) with the IPCC and various contributing institutions inadvertently exposing the anthropogenic global warming theory as a politically driven issue, with the worlds politicians in the control of the worlds globalist elites, it becomes apparent that there actually is a long term agenda to create a one world government, a totalitarian system is rapidly coming into view.... and the new technological revolutions (nanotechnology, biosciences, neuro sciences, ICT, etc..are set to merge with biodiversity) are emerging to reveal the infrastructure of a scientific dictatorship to allow the SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analyzing & Reporting Technology) of Sustainable developments, including the Bioeconomy (the NWOs, GMO population controlling food supply) and many other sub programs that the despots of this insidious world order, have planned to create the brave new world for the world elites and their domesticated citizens (subjects), long planned from at least the Age of Enlightenment. With a little research on the areas highlighted here, one can begin to see the mass deceptions of the International globalists that clearly are insane despots driven for their goal, to have absolute power and dominion with long lasting rule over the entire world and even all of nature down to the tiniest known particle to the outer reaches of our atmosphere. All of this endeavor relies on the ignorance of the masses, compartmentalization because if the masses wake up to the mass deceptions, then it is inevitable mankind will halt their Great Work , remove the rot and develop new systems of self governance with Direct Democracy and utilizing sciences for the benefit of the masses and the planet, exploring renewable energy, organic farming, sharing knowledge, resources and technology equally with all the people of our planet, to ensure the end of war, to harmonize a balance with nature for mutual benefit of our planet and to end the toxic custodianship of the dominant minority aka the global oligarchy of the current system - steering our planet intentionally on to the rocks, falsely blaming mankind for the insane agenda of these obscenely wealthy oligarchs.... The TIME is NOW... one minute to midnight and we can and do all make a difference with our participation in our emancipation. Are you happy for you and future generations to be a slave to a despotic NWO or would you prefer to take responsibility and develop a new system for the benefit of all mankind and our planet with a new system of self governance and mutual benefit...? Please investigate, expose the globalist agenda sufficiently that the world wakes up to the insanity and join in with the beginning of our emancipation by rejecting and exposing the deceptions of the NWO agenda and uniting all the people of the world to create a transparent system with the effective framework (Direct Democracy) to avoid corruption and power grabs to eliminate empire building, to ensure self governance as sovereign beings developing a free world and PEACE 4 ALL
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 10:32:53 +0000

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