Via Ovidiu Hurduzeu - Ortodoxia se afla in fruntea miscarii - TopicsExpress


Via Ovidiu Hurduzeu - Ortodoxia se afla in fruntea miscarii ecologice mondiale. Uite ce scrie Bill McKibben - McKibben este una dintre personalitatile proeminente ale miscarii ecologic - in Toward an Ecology of Transfiguration, o antologie de texte ortodoxe despre ecologie, aparuta la New York in 2013. Scrie McKibben: This remarkable volume helps answer a worldly question thats interested me for some years: Why has Bartolomew, the Ecumenical Patriarch and spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians worldwide, been such a standout figure among religious leaders in his call for environmental care? A Western Christian such as myself can establish an ethic of stewardship from the Catholic or Protestant readings of the Bible, but it must be said that most of these churches have been slow at best to embrace the move toward care of creation. Bartolomew, by contrast, was dubbed the Green Patriarch in the very first years of his patriarchate and anointed by Times as one of the worlds hundred most important people precisely for his role in defining environmentalism as a spiritual responsibility. When we formed, the first big grassroots climate change campaign, he was uniquely forthright in declaring that global warming is a sin. IGNORANT OF ORTHODOX THEOLOGY, I concluded that it must have been some personal tic, perhaps the way a movie star adopts a cause. But as Ive listened over the years, journeyed to the island of Halki for an ecological summit, and especially as Ive read this volume, Ive gotten a clearer sense that his forthright activism is simply an EXPRESSION OF AN UNDERLYING SPIRITUAL TRADITION WITH DEEP CONNECTIONS TO THE NATURAL WORLD AND REMARKABLE GIFTS TO THE REST OF THE WORLD. The notion that the logos can be seen in every created thing - that the world is in some sense a living museum of divine intent - is scandalously powerful. It undercuts the most alien idea of the Western tradition of God (and man in his image) apart from the natural world. But that Orthodox sense of the natural world seems at odds not just with Cartesian secular modernity - its also at odds with too much of the rest of the church, which tended to tremble at embracing Gods creation for fear it would somehow turn pagan.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 19:29:47 +0000

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