Via Peter Kenneth Hi Joshua, In the recent past, our - TopicsExpress


Via Peter Kenneth Hi Joshua, In the recent past, our country has been hit by unprecedented insecurity and terror incidences that have left the entire nation and the world shaken. The 2013 Westgate attacks, the orgy of violence in Mpeketoni, Mombasa, Lamu, the Kapedo massacre and most recent the Mandera killings are quite disturbing incidences. I pass my condolence to the families and friends of our dear brothers and sisters killed in Mandera during the two attacks. Clearly, something has not been right in the management of the security in the country. I welcome the changes in the security sector announced by President Uhuru Kenyatta on Tuesday. This is what Kenyans have been asking for. However, we must be careful as a nation not to just change individuals and forget the bigger problem, which is the system under which such office beaters operate in. When a system has failed, the results can only be dangerous and catastrophic. A relook at the entire homeland security system remains an urgent matter and must be addressed with immediate attention. A country can have a very competent head of an institution but the performance of that individual will remain questionable if the system is broken. The country needs a system where institutions in charge of security sector work harmoniously and coherently as opposed to seeing themselves as competitors. From intelligence gatherers to those required to enforce and deal with identified threats must be smooth and rapid. A system that provides a joint action in order to prevent or counter any attack is what the country needs. Elimination of any form of corruption in the entire system must remain the priority of the government if it is going to win the war on terrorism and related insecurities. Securing our boarders must be a top agenda. With Kenya Defence Forces in Somalia, it is obvious Al-Shabaab will always try to revenge on the soft targets. But the government should not let that happen. We need a physical closure of the long boarders if that is what it will take to secure our people. KDF should ensure day and night patrols including aerial surveillance. The military must create a buffer zone in areas considered more prone to attacks. The country cannot continue losing innocent lives either to Al-Shabaab or any other criminal or terror gang. It remains the responsibility of the government to protect its people. The government must stamp its authority and show its might in reassuring Kenyans of their must needed security. We must never relent on war against terror. Peter Kenneth
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 08:11:20 +0000

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