Via Source I am noting a lot of resistance in the collective on - TopicsExpress


Via Source I am noting a lot of resistance in the collective on earth in that they wish to change people by forcing their spiritual truth on them as they feel it is better for them.. and while that belief might be, they have just as much a right to deny your truth as you do to try to enforce it. Let us use an example: We take the source truth - that is godtruth - my word - which reality is made of as the colour white. All other beliefs are fragments of this truth, and thus represent individual colours, as white contains all colours. When you try to awaken a person that does not wish to be awakened because they are currently enjoying their current belief.. it goes a little like this: youre shining your spiritual truth, doing what you do, shining your white everywhere and they, currently enjoying their purple, dont quite appreciate you shining your white in their wonderful purple world. You tell them it is better for them, but they are currently so obsessed with purple, that white is just an affront to their senses. They are still trying to get used to colours in general before they can even THINK about considering white, and they got a whole lot more colours to go, to appreciate singularly. They dont want your stinking white. Why cant you just like purple like they do? Why cant you just be content that they like purple and leave them alone? ----- this is what it is like when you try to force your belief on someone - if they cannot do something in place of believing what you do, then this is a form of dogma. Some people are actually extremely happy in what they CURRENTLY believe in, and are not ready to skip 50 steps of spiritual comprehension to get to yours just yet. This is why shining your white light, and seeing if it ISNT an affront to other peoples colour beliefs is better. If they inquire and you tell them about it they may be angry, but think about it and decide that they are tired of their current colour, but forcing your colour on them does no good, and makes you no better than a christian missionary or muslim converter. Thus the only fair way to awaken people is to live your spiritual truth, doing what you do in life as a result of it - and when people inquire why you do it, explain your beliefs and see if they are receptive. If they return to learn more then you can help them. You can even make a video explaining it - for then you arent forcing it on anyone - you are just shining your light and seeing who is receptive to it.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 04:21:31 +0000

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