Via The Red Borough RED BOROUGH, RED STATE? Staten Island is - TopicsExpress


Via The Red Borough RED BOROUGH, RED STATE? Staten Island is often called the “Red Borough” because it is the only center right enclave left of an increasingly blue city, and to a lesser extent, a blue state. It has been called a curious phenomenon, as Democrats outnumber Republicans by a wide margin, yet history dictates that this is a place where some form of conservatism calls itself home, even among many Democrats. This is not surprising to us at the RedBorough, as most of Staten Island is comprised of working families who have no place in the modern Democrat party, a party that can be summarized by unanimous election of Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and her 2014 NY City Council stated agenda. It was a big tent agenda, with everyone represented except those pulling the cart. It is a radical left agenda like this that draws Staten Island Republicans and Democrats alike to vie for and fight over the Conservative party endorsement. This Tuesday, Republican Joe Tirone will be fighting for the Conservative Party line in the November election, one that went to Democrat Mike Cusick by party nomination. When the island Democrats fight for the Conservative line, you cannot argue that our Democrats are like those who inhabit the rest of the city. These conservative Democrats are made up of a wide variety of folks. From cops and firemen, to teachers and veterans, to people who have been democrats since the days of Kennedy, when the difference between Republicans and Democrats were their vision for how to improve America. Some are even shrewd political minds who simply know the best way they, as a single voter, can sway politics is to be a voice in the party that is most likely to hold a primary election. Either way, in those golden days long gone, the parties and their faithful shared a common bond in that they both were patriotic, God loving folks who disagreed over policy but were united in their love for our country. Those days came to a screeching halt with the Johnson Administration, and have spiraled down the drain with consistency ever since. The Democrats who inhabit our island are taxpayers, not tax takers, so they cannot relate to the modern ultra liberal, progressive movement. We at the RedBorough dont necessarily think that any of this is a revelation to many who may be reading this, but what may be a revelation s the potential impact this Red Borough of Staten Island may have on the entire state of NY this coming Tuesday. This Tuesday Andrew Cuomo, despite all his dirty shenanigans, will face a primary challenge from Zephyr Teachout. It is widely anticipated that Cuomo has the edge in that race. What is less known is that her choice for Lieutenant Governor, Tim Wu, has a real good chance of beating Cuomos choice, Kathy Hochul. What would that mean if Cuomo/Wu won their separate, respective primaries? Well despite the obvious of forcing Cuomo to run alongside a critic from his own corner, it presents an electoral nightmare for Cuomo. You see, Cuomo and Hochul are already married on three separate minor party lines, including the Working Families line. That would prevent Cuomo from unifying all the lines on the ballot, potentially helping Republican Rob Astorino. Astorino more closely fits the makeup of our red borough, and it wouldnt be a shock if he ended up taking the island over the widely disliked Cuomo. Any NY Statewide race is predictably upstate vs downstate, with the red leaning vast real estate of upstate being nullified by the densely populated and decidedly blue downstate. That puts our little red borough in quite a place. Should a significant portion of the almost 130,000 registered centrist Democrats on our little island come out and oppose Cuomo, who every poll recognizes as corrupt, we just might have an interesting November on tap. Very often we forget that there is a lot more significance to being the last red borough in the city than meets the immediate eye.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 15:47:27 +0000

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