Via brother Tom Johnson “DISCERNMENT”== This word is often - TopicsExpress


Via brother Tom Johnson “DISCERNMENT”== This word is often times confused with opinion in the religions and denominations going back even before the times of Christ here on earth, these religions and denominations have escalated to the point of heresy which includes Protestantism , man, in his study of the Word of God, have led many to hell because of his interpretations and opinions, we see it every day from the pulpits of these many churches, none are more heretical than the papacy of Rome. As I listened to a ½ hr teaching by a catholic priest this evening he covered 2 topics of their belief system, the 1st. was purgatory and the 2nd. Was Mary, the mother of Christ. The origin of purgatory is vaguely unknown, Britannica describes it accurately as it was brought forth by the Papacy “purgatory, the condition, process, or place of purification or temporary punishment in which, according to medieval Christian and Roman Catholic belief, the souls of those who die in a state of grace are made ready for heaven”, in essence what this place is is a resting place of torment as those there are purified enough to enter into heaven, George Carlin described those there in 1 of his skits, he said “since the abolishment of the sin of eating meat on Friday what happens to those hanging on the meat rack in purgatory for eating a hot dog on Friday”? Nowhere in scripture is this fantasy place ever mentioned. As for the virgin mother of Christ (Mary), the papacy of Rome had taken Luke 1:48 to bring forth Mary as the only way to receive the salvation of Christ for she is now the mother of all saints “Luk 1:48 For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed”. Some children of God say there are some in the catholic faith that are born-again believers of which I will not argue that point for only our Lord can determine that, those in this faith who declare this and continue to pray to Mary and to their saints and worship their idols in their churches are ignorant of the Word of God and not saved. This word “Discernment” is a gift to us from God in learning the truth, many use this term very lightly as they try to impart what they think is the truth of God’s Word according to their interpretation and opinion which is why our Lord tells us “Trust no man”, these are the ones who make many morally and spiritually depressed because of their own vanity, use this gift wisely as you minister God’s word and do not let your own ego enter in to your teaching.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 03:46:29 +0000

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