Via star Fidel Odinga had drinks with Tom Alila, Garang son at - TopicsExpress


Via star Fidel Odinga had drinks with Tom Alila, Garang son at Sankara SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 2015 - 00:00 -- BY JOSEPH KARIUKI Fidel Odinga had drinks with friends at Sankara Hotel in Westlands, it has now emerged. Tom Alila, one of the friends at Sankara with Fidel said he had complained of stomach ache. Fidel was also in the company of John Garangs son, Garang Junior. Those who saw them said Fidel seemed to be in high spirits. ODM chairman John Mbadi told the press at Fidels Karen home that the family was supposed to have lunch at his fathers home on Saturday but Fidel excused himself. Mbadi said Fidel went for lunch at Sankara and when he came back home he went straight to bed. Mbadi said Fidel did not want to wake up his wife and child and instead used the kitchen door to access the house. Wiper co-principal Kalonzo Musyoka has told CID Director Ndegwa Muhoro, who is at scene, to make sure the cause of Fidels death is known. Kalonzo described Fidel as an aggressive young man who had a bright future. The government pathologist is yet to arrive at the house. The death of Railas eldest child came as a shock with Kenyans sending condolence messages to the family. UDF leader Musalia Mudavadi was among the first to send condolence message. I talked to Hon. Raila this morning from Mombasa where I have been for the last two weeks and I could feel his pain. Raila said he was with and had a normal chart with his son yesterday afternoon after which Raila left for a meeting. It is only this morning when family realized Fidel had not gotten out of bed as usual, said Mudavadi. Am so sad at the death of Fidel Odinga! A good friend to my son @_LeoneK .Let us continue praying for the family! Kakamega Senator Bonny Khalwale posted on Twitter. Fidel & my sons Mutuma & Marangu became friends during those dark days when his dad and I were in detention. I feel the loss of a son. RIP, said Gitobu Imanyara. Very sad and shocked to learn of the death of Fidel Odinga. My heartfelt condolences to Hon. Raila, Mama Ida and the family for the loss, said Land CS Charity Ngilu. Its with shock that I have learnt of the death of Fidel Odinga son of former prime minister Raila Odinga and mama Ida Odinga this morning, Majority leader in the National Assembly Aden Duale posted on Twitter.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 13:59:20 +0000

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