Vice Admiral Nilakantan Krishnan and how Pakistan was fooled - TopicsExpress


Vice Admiral Nilakantan Krishnan and how Pakistan was fooled !!!! December 16 , 43 Anniversary of our victory ! How India won 1971 war! A sailors story ! ( How Ghazi was destroyed ) Days after the aged and iconic aircraft carrier INS Vikrant went physically under the hammer in a Mumbai ship-breaking yard, many posted online about the greatness of Vikrant and the great men associated with her ! KRISHNA STYLE : Vice Admiral was in charge of the eastern command. In the month before the war, Krishnan was concerned about INS Vikrant that had been given the charge of blockading the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) from the sea. However the vessel was deeply threatened by the formidable Ghazi submarine of the Pakistan Navy that was to be deployed in the Bay of Bengal. Like Krishna, Krishnan prepared an elaborate deception plan to let the Pakistani Navy believe that INS Vikrant was stationed in the port of Vizag. He got an ageing destroyer INS Rajput to pretend to be Vikrant by sailing it out of Vizag and generating heavy wireless traffic. This would create the impression of a large ship in the area. That was not all. He even tricked his own naval authorities in Chennai by falsely informing them that INS Vikrant would arrive in Vizag and began ordering huge quantities of rations which would indicate that the fleet was in the harbour. The Pakistanis fell for the trap and Ghazi was ordered to change directions and move to Vizag. Within a few days it was hit by an explosion and destroyed. In the meantime, INS Vikrant and her escorts had been safely stationed in one of the Andaman islands. Three days after the sinking of the Ghazi, the Vikrant launched its first air strikes which dazed the Pakistani army in East Pakistan. DECEMBER 16 1971 PAKISTAN SURRENDERED
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 09:28:32 +0000

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