Viciousness of Fate... ( Part : 8 ) Though we were in separate - TopicsExpress


Viciousness of Fate... ( Part : 8 ) Though we were in separate branches but somehow we got lucky enough to meet in first year itself where the syllabus to all branches is common. Common syllabus meant same classes and thereafter same after classes or to be precise tuitions. It became very hectic, to manage college as well as after torture in those classes.. But somehow these classes lightened up the whole aura by his presence. Who thought that various equations would turn out to be this soothing to look in his note book. I never took notes, as I can’t write with my weird disorder but I could inspect, I could silently inspect what he was writing.. Slowly-slowly he used to carve everything written on that dumb board. I remember how he spare his one glance at me, then at that dumb board and then to his note book. This three-way process was followed millions of time during this short class torture. It was the end of semester. I don’t remember this detail because of the fear of upcoming exams. It was due to the fact that I remember the chilly wind slightly hitting my face whenever I unhide myself from the back seat of his bike.. Before coaching, after coaching and sometimes during coaching, we used to roam in the whole area. It felt as if two bulls were left to do whatever they want and no moving cloth would be there to irritate them in order to inform that the signal is red further. But somehow the destiny showed red flag and threw a big rock on my nose.. “With whom you were roaming today.” “No one dadu.” “Don’t lie, our neighbour saw you with a guy today itself and thus informed me.” “You know the mentality of people. They exaggerate everything.” The confrontation round went on and on and on as soon as I returned from coaching. It felt I will die if I lied one more time. It’s hard to lie in front of old people, they had that weird spark in their eyes which disturbs your confident skills of making spontaneous list of lies. It ended but not very soon. I relieved my shoulder and they got very low to lessen my already small height to shrink few more inches.. I survived this questionnaire quite peculiarly, but somehow some spirit wanted to hear some more lies from my not so innocent mouth and thus a new list of questions were ready. But this time they were going to be fired from my lady love’s voice box. Oh God.! Why you increasing my negative deeds... Nascent...
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 07:04:24 +0000

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