Vicki Honeycutt A New Year – what does it mean? As the clock - TopicsExpress


Vicki Honeycutt A New Year – what does it mean? As the clock strikes midnight, some will be tucked into their beds dreaming dreams that will be forgotten moments after they wake. Others will be making that New Year’s resolution, claiming “this year I will follow through”. While the New Year is not necessarily an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and simply start over, it can be an opportunity to start fresh or maybe to begin again. However, if you find yourself saying the same resolutions each year – you may be wasting your time. A New Year or A New Opportunity will not be enough to keep you on course, IT must come from within, it MUST BE A DESIRE that comes from your heart and is a true conviction. Otherwise, you will return to the old habits and you will again be struggling with your “OLD FRIEND”. Over the past year, I struggled to understand what the true meaning of ministry is. I have asked many but found many answers and I felt despair – what was I missing? Finally and what I should have all along was to go directly to the Bible – to ask God to show me the true meaning of ministry. It’s EVERYTHING I was told by others and MORE. The word Ministry means to SERVE OTHERS. What does that mean?? The whole time I was trying to find out what ministry consisted of, we were studying the life of Christ. COULD I BE MORE BLIND???!!! Jesus even states “I came to serve, not be served” The First will be last and the last will be first…… Christ like…….. SERIOUSLY, WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!???? We say, we are vessels and are to do God’s will, but then we say, I’m not sure what that is! What can I possibly do? We say, we want to do something, but just not sure what! We say, I will wait for others to tell me what to do and as soon as the church figures out what to do, IF I HAVE TIME, maybe I will help out. Or we say, oh someone else will do that, its not necessary for me to get involved! Scripture says be ye doers of the word, not just hearers only – what does that mean to YOU? Does that mean looking the part, saying the right thing?? I’ve heard some say, well if I talk nice and have Christ like qualities then that’s what God expects and people will see that and hopefully become a Christian one day because of it and that’s enough or I will talk out loud about Christ and maybe others will somehow hear me. Well that’s partly correct, but I DESIRE to be like Christ. I want to live my Christian life abundantly, I want to serve my Lord so that others will see HIS GLORY – So they will see that on my own I am nothing but filth, but by allowing God to use me others will want what I have – they will want CHRIST. We have all been given the gift of ministry – we are commanded to be set apart, to be different. I’ve heard some chuckle and say, I can hardly walk, there is nothing I can do or I have heard many say, uh….that’s not me, I cannot do that! Of course it’s not YOU, it’s Christ! If we are breathing and willing - We only have to have faith – God gives us everything we need, we only have to be obedient and say…..LORD SEND ME! Ministry is NOT OUR EFFORTS, but God working through us - Do you have the DESIRE and will you surrender today and allow God to work through YOU!??! I am so excited about this upcoming year and the years to follow – let’s do God’s will - glorify our Father in heaven! Are you ready????
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 06:16:53 +0000

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