Victor Mike There is several reasons why Russian military - TopicsExpress


Victor Mike There is several reasons why Russian military intervention is a high probability if not an inevitability. 1. Putin needs Ukraine to serve as a barrier/buffer between NATO and Russia 2. Putin considers Ukranians to be Russians due to Kievan Rus 3. Crimea was given away by Khruschev in 1954 and was previously held by RSSR. 4. Ethnic Russians in Crimea which number 2 million have made the case or appeal for military intervention 5. Russia does not recognize the interim government and only recognizes the old regime/loyalist factions. 6. Sevastopol serves as one of the only two Mediterranean naval base for the Russian fleet 7. Putin will provide the case for preventing genocide against Ethnic Russians by extremists and terrorists/rebels. Putin will also cite Armenia and Georgia 2008 as similar examples. 8. Putin is worried that Russian opposition will cite Ukraine and ignite similar protests in Russia. 9. Ukraine is considered a core interest and an essential sphere of influence to Putin. 10. Ukranian economic collapse will also heavily affect Russian economic development negatively due to the nature of the closeness between both economies.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 15:57:23 +0000

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