Victor made me do it. 15 random facts about me: 1. I was - TopicsExpress


Victor made me do it. 15 random facts about me: 1. I was born in the Philippines and spoke Togalic as an infant. 2. I have also lived in NY, CO, NV, OH, PA, NC, & IL 3. Since 2009 I have started 9 revenue generating businesses, and a few that cost me some money. Theres no such thing as success without failure. 4. My favorite word as a child/teen was loophole; I can find them in any guideline. 5. My main source of transportation is a skateboard... I would have it no other way. 6. Before the digital revolution I was an avid film photographer. I dont like digital editing, it takes away from the true art. 7. My only fear as a child was clowns. 8. When I was a toddler I pronounced all my cs like ps. Clowns: plowns, clouds: plouds. 9. I got caught committing a crime for the last time in 2006. Ive either become smarter, or stopped committing crimes... Ill never tell. 10. I pride myself in my emotional awareness. 11. I am the definition of a hustler; its in my blood. My first scheme was selling candy and soda at school when I was 9. 12. I owe my business savvy to my Grandfather, who always took me with him selling baseball cards/ beanie babies/ pokemon etc... Wheelin and Dealin Ty-y 13. My two passions are: building creative business models, and breakdancing. 14. I have died in a dream and not woken up at the moment of death, and it scares me because I know what science has to say about that. 15. My vengeance is subtle and crippling, you dont want to cross me sideways. Like this status and Ill give you a number for you to share some insight into your life.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 19:03:55 +0000

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