Victory and Victoria: 20 days off from dancing and dance practice - TopicsExpress


Victory and Victoria: 20 days off from dancing and dance practice can go one of two ways. Sunday and I was back to the grind. Would I be up for the grueling lesson and 3 hours of Waltzes and Foxtrots to follow. Victoria is in tip top condition, 40 years younger and takes no prisoners. She is without mercy and excepts no excuses. To make maters worst, I do my best to antagonize her. I started grading her on the lessons she gives me. In many ways, Im still the same moon-eye first grader that thoroughly relishes exasperating the teacher. I have found, sometimes, time off helps to move me forward. I dont know why, but it seems to work. I had walked and swam a lot while on vacation, and also shed 15 pounds. So I had some reason to be hopeful. Friday night I went West Coast Swing dancing and hit some high points. Getting in around 12, I was jolted to get some heart rending news about a friend of mine. Could barely sleep that night. Saturday was a surreal day, being present and in a spirit of prayer for my old, dear friend that I hadnt seen in over 40 years. Arrived in Baltimore late that night and recounted to J-9 as best as I could my feelings about the overwhelming events of the day. Woke up early Sunday. Espresso Pork Taco, coffee, a Lagunitas IPA and off to The Promenade Ballroom for two hours practice before Victoria. Solo practice went well. I was ready. It was nice to see Victoria again, she has such a beautiful spirit. We talked briefly about the Ukraine, Alex her partner is from there. They are both quite upset. We talked about a recent dance competition they were in and them having picked up their first sponsor. She is very photogenic. Time for work. We went through a simple routine. I could tell it would be a good day for me. Sometimes you work hard and nothing happens and then sometimes a little jump in execution, its all part of the same process.She was happy with my dancing. That is ok, but only transitory. Unless I can reproduce my technique at will it is no use being satisfied. The Waltzes and Foxtrots were my best to date. As the afternoon was winding down and I was a little satisfied with myself, I began to torment Victoria a little. Why not. I benefit because she will be that much more relentless toward me and I get a better lesson. There is a method to my madness. She always surprises me. It baffles me how she can be so good at what she does. I wish her all the success, but am glad she is still somewhat of a secret to Washington and Baltimore area dance students. They cant imagine what they are missing. Hats off to Victoria.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:33:50 +0000

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