Video ; John Pilger: Real Possibility of Nuclear War; Ukraine - TopicsExpress


Video ; John Pilger: Real Possibility of Nuclear War; Ukraine Crisis Could Start World War 3: With Russia, Pilger says he has never known the truth so inverted over any one issue. Op-Ed Articles: Season of Goodwill... West Delivers Sanctions, Suffering and Conflict; By Finian Cunningham: Kiev is a runaway train wreck, an insatiable Frankenstein monster. Russia Will Be Able To Overcome Economic Problems - Chinese Foreign Minister By TASS If the Russian side needs it, we shall offer all possible support we may have, the foreign minister said. 10 days in the Islamic State By Adam Withnall Inside Isis: The first Western journalist ever given access to the Islamic State has just returned - and this is what he discovered. Ayatollah Khameneis 6 Reasons to Prove ISIS Serves the U.S. and Israel Video Take a look at the condition of todays Libya, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and see against whom the forces and swords of Muslims are being used. Banning Dissent in the Name of Civility Truth, Is the Last Thing the Israel Lobby and its Lackeys Seek By Chris Hedges Israeli Jews think -we are the chosen people of God, we are chosen to do anything we damn well please. To take peoples land. Take peoples lives. Tortures Time for Accountability By Ray McGovern The President still lives in fear of the shady characters at Langley. Abolishing the CIA By Robert C. Koehler One can no more authorize torture than rape or slavery. Torture inhabits that same moral category, which ethicists label intrinsic evil, always wrong - whether it works or not. Tea Partiers Are Right: Jeb Is a RINO By Matt Taibbi Apparently, the American political establishment isnt just afraid of new ideas, its afraid of new people. Hard News 42 people killed in central Yemen: Dozens of Houthi rebels have been killed in central Yemen in a suspected revenge attack after at least 40 people from a rival tribe were kidnapped by the Shia group, sources told Al Jazeera. aljazeera/news/middleeast/2014/12/houthis-killed-central-yemen-20141221223329179385.html 40 alleged ISIL militants killed in airstrikes in Iraq: At least 40 militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant were killed in airstrikes on Sunday by US-led international coalition forces in the western Iraqi province of Anbar. Sinjar battle: Kurds take control of large area from IS: Kurdish authorities say their Peshmerga forces have taken control of a large area of the Iraqi town of Sinjar from Islamic State militants. Kurdish fighters move on ISILs Mosul hub: Peshmerga forces expand a major offensive against ISIL while also delivering aid to Yazidi refugees on Mount Sinjar. aljazeera/news/middleeast/2014/12/kurdish-fighters-move-isil-mosul-hub-2014122154534724406.html US soldiers engage ISIL in first Iraq combat since 2011: The clashes would mark the first time that US ground forces have engaged ISIL militants since President Barack Obama authorised air strikes on the group in August. 20 jihadists killed in failed east Syria airport attack: At least 20 Islamist State (IS) group members were killed in the second failed jihadist bid in a month to take over an air base in eastern Syria, a monitoring group said Sunday. Assad tells Irans Larijani he backs local truces: Syrias President Bashar al-Assad told a top official from key supporter Iran on Sunday that his government is working on reconciliations to end the brutal civil war, state news agency SANA said. Wars Cost to U.S. Since the Sept. 11 2001: $1.6 Trillion : A June cost-of-war assessment by Neta Crawford, a political science professor at Boston University, put the potential total cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and assistance to Pakistan since 2001 at $4.4 trillion, including $316 billion in interest costs and $1 trillion through 2054 for veterans care. bloomberg/news/2014-12-19/wars-cost-to-the-u-s-since-the-sept-11-attacks-1-6-trillion.html Egypt Opens Border Crossing with Gaza: For the first time in nearly two months, Egypt opened the Rafah border crossing on Sunday for incoming travelers from the Gaza Strip, confirmed Palestinian and Egyptian officials. Rafah is the only crossing with Gaza that does not border Israel. 14 Militants Killed in Egypt Army Raids: Fourteen militants have been killed and 45 others arrested in army raids in Egypts North Sinai region in the past three days, the military said today. outlookindia/news/article/14-Militants-Killed-in-Egypt-Army-Raids/873791 US delivers Apache helicopters to Egypt: Ten Apaches delivered to Cairo after part lifting of aid freeze to the country, according to senior US official. aljazeera/news/middleeast/2014/12/us-delivers-apache-helicopters-egypt-2014122181148638964.html Qatar announces full support for Egyptian leader: Qatar has ended more than a year of enmity toward Egypt, announcing its full support for the government of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. presstv/detail/2014/12/21/391269/qatar-voices-support-for-egypts-sisi/ Nigeria: 82 killed in Borno gun battle: No fewer than 80 Boko Haram insurgents and two soldiers lost their lives when suspected members of dreaded Boko Haram sect laid ambush along the troubled Maiduguri-Damboa road which was closed down for motorists since July this year. vanguardngr/2014/12/80-insurgents-2-soldiers-killed-borno-gun-battle/ Kenya security law: President Uhuru Kenyatta signs bill: The new anti-terror legislation gives the security and intelligence agencies the right to detain terror suspects for up to one year and requires journalists to obtain police permission before investigating or publishing stories on domestic terrorism and security issues. Roadside bomb kills 7 Afghan civilians in Kunar: Last evening a pickup truck, with women and children onboard, was blown up by a roadside bomb, that killed seven people including two little girls, Nari police chief Mohammad Yousuf told AFP news agency. aljazeera/news/asia/2014/12/roadside-bomb-kills-afghan-civilians-kunar-201412218558902495.html Taliban kill 7 Afghan policemen at checkpoint: An Afghan official says seven policemen were killed in a northern province after their checkpoint came under attack by insurgents. timesofindia.indiatimes/world/south-asia/Taliban-kill-7-Afghan-policemen-at-checkpoint/articleshow/45592445.cms At least 5 alleged militants killed by Pakistani security forces: At least five alleged militants have been killed by Pakistani security forces in the area of Bazargarai on the outskirts of Peshawar. The military said in a statement, a local militant commander was among those killed in the operation. Pakistan: More executions after Peshawar school massacre: Pakistan has hanged four prisoners, the second set of executions since a death penalty moratorium was lifted after the Peshawar school massacre. On Friday, Pakistan executed two convicts. This followed the Taliban attack on the school that left 141 people - 132 of them children - dead. Russias military doctrine remains solely defensive - Putin: Russia is going to maintain its security consistently and rigorously, President Vladimir Putin has said. And despite NATOs military buildup close to Russian borders, the national military doctrine will remain solely defensive, he said. Slumping Russian ruble threatens German economy - top exec: Thirty-six percent of companies assume that they have to cancel their projects, he cited the results of the poll, recently carried out by the German Chamber of Commerce in Russia among almost 300 German companies. rt/news/216447-ruble-threat-german-economy/ Obama says Putin no chess master as Russian rouble spirals: President Barack Obama hit back at foreign policy critics in an interview aired this morning, brushing off claims he had been naively outmaneuvered by Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine crisis. EU asks Russia to go ahead with South Stream: Bulgaria is obliged to stand by its obligations to prepare for construction work and issue the required permissions, Bulgarian Prime Minister said after talks with the EU leaders itar-tass/en/economy/768044 US troubled over slew of deals during Putin-Modi summit: The outcome of the recent summit between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi gave an all-embracing boost to the strategic partnership between Russia and India in.rbth/world/2014/12/17/us_troubled_over_slew_of_deals_during_putin-modi_summit_40385.html Russia to begin food imports from Iran in January 2015: First batches of food products from Iran will be supplies to Russia already in January 2015, a representative of the Russian veterinary and phytosanitary authority (Rosselkhoznadzor), Alexey Alexeyenko, who has just returned from a visit to Iran, told TASS on Sunday. itar-tass/en/economy/768341 China and the United States: Who Is Number One?: A NYT article on Chinas growth seems to have gotten data from the International Monetary Fund backward. It told readers: The FBI told their story about North Korea attacking Sony. Read what they didnt tell you.: No matter how often they lie to us, Americans believe what the government tells us. They lie, we believe, their lies are exposed - rinse, repeat. It makes us easy to govern, incapable of self-government, and quite different than our skeptical unruly forebearers. fabiusmaximus/2014/12/20/rebuttal-holes-fbi-north-korea-sony-attack-74873/ Leaked CIA docs teach operatives how to infiltrate EU: WikiLeaks ?hief editor Julian Assange explains that these documents show that under the Obama administration the CIA is still intent on infiltrating European Union borders and conducting clandestine operations in EU member states. rt/news/216511-wikileaks-cia-travel-advice/ 11 killed as Mexico troops sent to La Ruana after vigilante shoot-out: The two groups of vigilantes were set up to fight the local drug cartel, but have since become bitter rivals and have started fighting each other. Five members of a group led by Hipolito Mora and six followers of his rival, Luis Antonio Torres, were killed. Raul Castro: US Must Respect That Cuba Will Remain Socialist; In the same way that we have never demanded that the United States change its political system, we will demand respect for ours, Raul Castro told the National Assembly. US seeks to overthrow Venezuela government: official: This US interference is aimed at promoting violence... against our institutions to oust staunch US critic Maduro, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino told Telesur television. Cops killer angry at chokehold death: A gunman who announced online that he was planning to shoot two pigs in retaliation for the police chokehold death of Eric Garner ambushed two officers in a patrol car and shot them to death in broad daylight Saturday before running to a subway station and killing himself, authorities said. apnews.myway/article/20141221/us--nypd_officers_shot-facba01841.html Head of Police Union Declares War on Protesters After NYPD Cops Assassinated: Two NYPD officers were killed Saturday in what a tearful New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio described as execution style as they sat in a patrol car in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn. truthdig/eartotheground/item/head_of_police_union_declares_war_on_protesters_after_nypd_cops_20141221 Rally against police violence forces partial Mall of America shutdown: A mass of demonstrators chanting, Black lives matter, converged in the Mall of America rotunda Saturday as part of a protest against police brutality that caused part of the mall to shut down on a busy day for last-minute holiday shopping. cbsnews/news/rally-against-police-violence-forces-partial-mall-of-america-shutdown/
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:57:25 +0000

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