Video Recap of Duggar Christmas Tour: The Full of Themselves - TopicsExpress


Video Recap of Duggar Christmas Tour: The Full of Themselves Version First aired December 24, 2014 Why does this video scream phoniness? They put on a happy facade but you know they are not being themselves. They look and act so fake! 1. Josh, Anna has mentioned you talk too loud and in this video you made my ears bleed. Please listen to the wisdom that comes from Anna. Turn it down! 2. Josh, you dont need to wear a (Christ)mas sweatshirt. We know what the season is about. I watch Linus recite the Christmas story every year. But, you know we live in a free country where many choose to celebrate a secular Christmas. That is okay too. This is a free country. No one is trying to take Christ out of Christmas except maybe the big corporations who just want to put the Scrooge into the holidays. Oh, and the constitution that requires a separation of church and state. Mmmkay? 3. The mailroom has been moved out of the Jessa and Ben courting closet and into the goodbye room? Gotta keep close watch on those who might be trying to write Help Me! letters. 4. The gift baskets and boasting: Matthew 6 - When you do good deeds, don’t try to show off. If you do, you won’t get a reward from your Father in heaven. 2 When you give to the poor, don’t blow a loud horn. That’s what show-offs do in the meeting places and on the street corners, because they are always looking for praise. I can assure you that they already have their reward. 3 When you give to the poor, don’t let anyone know about it. 4 Then your gift will be given in secret. Your Father knows what is done in secret, and he will reward you. I know they want to encourage giving but they need to find a way that doesnt seem so boastful. 5. The gift of gluttony: Josh seems a little annoyed when Jeer doesnt follow the script and start naming dinner items so he takes over. I wonder if hes a control freak. 6. Michelle doesnt follow the script either when Josh brings up why they dont have a Christmas tree. She ignores him which then forces Josh to answer his own question. Did Michelle not want to talk about it? Even after Josh explains the mess a tree can make, Michelle again ignores the tree topic to talk about the real meaning of Christmas. Josh listens to her while nodding his head like a bobblehead. At this point in the video, I begin to think most of this family hate each other. Thats a real emotion though. Better than this Stepford family they are pretending to be. 7. Josh next stomps over to the two grand pianos. One was a gift to them. I dont know where they got the other. Hes off to brag about their gifts. Christmas trees are not biblical but gifts are? I wonder what Jesus did with his gold, frankincense and myrrh. Knowing babies, He probably ate them and pooped them out. The Duggars mention often in this video that the meaning of Christmas is giving. The giving of gifts tradition really came from Saint Nicholas, a Catholic saint who did great works. Im glad they accept Saint Nick and his gift giving legacy which should allow them to accept Santa Claus which should allow them to accept Christmas trees because it is as relevant to Jesus birth as giving socks for Christmas. Yes, I got socks. Josh points out the JOY ornament on the little tree. JOY is an acronym, for them, that stands for Jesus first, others second, and yourself last. For some reason, I think Josh puts himself in the J position way too often. 8. Next up is Jill and Derick who just happen to be sitting on the couch waiting for Josh. Derick says he enjoyed sharing the gospel on the mission trip. No mention of good works. Jill talks great weather, good food, and hitting the beach on the mission trip. Yeah, that is what missioning is all about, Charlie Brown. 9. Again Josh publicly brags about giving gifts to the children of El Salvador and then does a commercial for SOS ministries. I advise anyone wanting to do a mission trip to research this agency and all others before signing up. Some are just missionary vacations for profit that get in the way of the true missionaries. 10. Next is the always delightful Ben and Jessa. As always, I disagree with Ben and his comment about salvation, Salvation, we dont have to earn or work for. Its a free gift! That is the rhetoric of a lazy man. I will post this again...... James 2:14-17 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Jesus seems to be demanding that you must have faith AND good works or youre dead meat. Ben is not getting that message across. I think this young man is trying to say, but fails every time, that if you accept Jesus then youll want to do good works for others. But, the way he says it doesnt convey that message. He seems to be pushing a selfish message along with a narcissistic God. I implore Ben to find a better way to get his message across. Some may follow Bens advice and never do any good works and then find themselves in trouble at the end. Maybe. 11. Finally, Pops shows up to read Luke. Linus reads it way better. Then they sing Joy To The World. Epilogue: Every time a Duggar talks Christ an angel shoots himself in the head. https://youtube/watch?v=lcJJLqZXPtc&sns=tw
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 21:18:54 +0000

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