View From The River Bank-Stan Hitchcock Most musicians have - TopicsExpress


View From The River Bank-Stan Hitchcock Most musicians have to face the same question, at some time in their careers.Hey, when ya gonna get a real job? And most musicians have times when they look at some of the kids they went to school with, still working at a regular job in their home town...and the musician is beating his butt off on an endless road gig...and you ask yourself the same question..Am I crazy to follow this dream? The defining difference between a career in music or a regular job back home is a driving force that pushes you forward, through the low times, and when it is never about how much money you might make, it is just surviving to play again. When you have that kind of creative energy inside you, there is no question about what you are...You Are A Musician, your job is music, it is real and it is an honorable profession, equal to the Doctors and Lawyers as an art form, just without most of their money. But, it is not money that drives you, although it would be nice to have it, it is that you are a member of a select group of people that somehow got gifted with the ability to make a sound that people recognize as make people smile, it helps them through the rough times, it makes them dance with joy...and i believe that it can heal, for it stimulates good thoughts, it releases certain chemical reactions in the human body that is a benefit to a sad and broken heart. Next time someone asks you, Yeah, but what do you really do, I mean with a real job? Just smile and say, I dont have a job, I have a purpose. My purpose is Music. stan
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 17:15:14 +0000

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