Vindictive, prosecution in Iowa, USA. Reporter charged with a - TopicsExpress


Vindictive, prosecution in Iowa, USA. Reporter charged with a crime and alleging his belief that prosecutorial misconduct and ethics led to an innocent women being wrongfully convicted of murder and set to die in prison. Since breaking a story of an Iowa based reputation management specialists that offered you a way to not just bury bad press on the search engines, but make it disappear completely. As in abracadabra. Presto. Shady Iowa prosecutor Ben Smith, began spy on confidential communication, issued dozens of improper (stand-alone) and unauthorized subpoenas to telecommunications providers across the country, demanding telephone records in aid of a police investigation before a criminal cause was commenced. How do I know this? Well get to that later. The bigger question is, why? For Smith, an SQL injection hack, sold by his friend and business associate helped get him elected, and was used to guarantee victory in his first murder trial by tampering with the jury. A small group of shady characters have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours obfuscating the truth and mischaracterizing a search warrant issued by a Sac County Iowa Prosecutor Ben Smith against the mother of a woman convicted by that same prosecutor “Ben Smith” of murdering a young man the prosecutor friend mentored named Dustin Wehde. The search warrant application was accompanied by a 119-page affidavit (usually no longer than 3 to 5 pages) that included unsubstantiated allegations and false claims about Darren Mitchell Meade and led one publisher Ripoff Report to redacting, alter and delete past reports on the Tracey Richter trial. Ben Smith did this self-serving work using tax payer’s / Sac County Iowa money in a deceptive and cunning way so that his cohorts could falsely claim that reporter Darren Mitchell Meade has committed crimes. In an effort to force me to retreat from my duty as a journalist. It amounts to abuse of process and prosecutorial misconduct, including things in my opinion that would likely be violation of surveillance law .. Ben Smith abused his power this way is outrageous and Smith should be disbarred and severely punished. The good people of Sac County trust this man because he is a public elected official / lawyer, a prosecutor, they dont expect him to lie - so, when he does, it is an abuse of power. An egregious abuse of power and needs to be punished. Back in 2011 Ben Smith successfully prosecuted Tracey Richter for Wehde’s murder that had happened about 10 years prior. I had been threatened with arrest of I set foot in Iowa, and when Ben Smith refused to confirm or deny the threats, I published stories on various websites with my personal opinion and news analysis, criticizing Sac County Prosecutor Ben Smith, the case, and the conviction. Including writing about how the SQL injection code Michael Roberts had been using since 2007, was utilized to tamper with the jury in the Tracey Richter trial. Michael Roberts and Sac County Prosecutor Ben Smith were successful in getting other opinions and evidence removed from websites and other places on the Internet like Scribd, and the Wayback Machine, even took control of my email account Iowa, prosecutor Ben Smith, to spy on confidential communication, issued dozens of improper (stand-alone) and unauthorized subpoenas to telecommunications providers across the country, demanding telephone records in aid of a police investigation before a criminal cause was commenced. As an investigative reporter I believe part of a telecommunication company’s cost of doing business in any particular state is to ensure that local law enforcement requests for customer data comply with state law. That is particularly true when state law (California) contains stronger legal protections than those that exist under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution or the federal Stored Communications Act.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 10:12:26 +0000

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