Violate no other, nor their property Violate no other: Examples - TopicsExpress


Violate no other, nor their property Violate no other: Examples being physical harm, assault, murder, rape, etc. Do not violate their property: Examples being burglary, theft, arson, fraud, etc. This is the true basis of balance and harmony between man, the community and with the Earth itself. No person, no organisation, no institution or no government should be above the rule of law. If one and all are held to the rule of law it is impossible to violate people or their property. Some may also refer to the Rule of Law as the Common Law. Over 90% of people will go their whole life without violating this and if they do, will do so in a very minor manner. That means they are in balance with their fellow man, with their community and with the Earth itself. Therefore the World should be a place of abundance, peace, happiness and joy for the majority of the Earth’s population. Right? If the vast majority are in balance and follow the rule of law then society by definition has to be in balance. It should be a certainty if the rule of law holds sway. It is pretty obvious though that the World is anything but in balance as it currently stands so then the rule of law must be absent the land as a governing principle. While the people may individually live like this it must mean then that the systems of infrastructure that run their lives do not adhere at all to the rule of law. The state designs, administers or regulates the infrastructure that runs society and by extension much of peoples’ lives; be this in areas like money creation, banking, justice, health, education, social policy, etc. It does so under statute laws created by the state. If our natural human condition is to be in balance with the rule of law, which it is for the majority, could it be that the statute legal system of the state is not in balance with the rule of law and is therefore actively working against the individual and against the community and the Earth? Currently: Statute law of the Nation State has led us to a situation where insanity and tyranny reign on our land. Examples; State money creation and taxation. Borrowing money from the markets. This is essentially granting private hedge fund companies, pension and insurance industries etc. a lien on peoples’ future labour and time. Very often no money changes hands. It is all digital pledges and our state promises to repay the providers of said digital pledges a premium on their “investment”. This premium is interest; interest that is funded by the life force of the people effecting what is quite literally a slavery system. To fund these repayments ever increasing taxation is required. Currently in Ireland the introduction of water charges/ property tax and all other taxes that are rising is funding this totally unnecessary model. All this model does is en-rich minority vested interests. People, via their governments, could issue their own money with no interest commitment to third parties. Therefore most modern taxation and funding of the state violates the rule of law as peoples’ lives, labour, finances and time are being violated and attacked to fund a model that actively works against them. Mortgage Industry. Banks lie in stating they loan real money to borrowers and that there is a third party creditor to whom they owe this debt. The “debt” was created out of thin air and has no backing to any tangible assets. There is no creditor who is owed money. See the Reports just recently issued by the Central Bank of England and the German Central Bank proving once and for all that this is the case. Mortgages created out of thin air as above is causing systemic inflation of all prices across society as there is no limit to credit that can be created out of thin air. Solicitors offering legal advice as part of sale endorse view that bank lent money to borrower. Charging interest on mortgages when this money does not exist anywhere in society Courts foreclosing on real physical property, i.e. family homes, to reimburse supposed creditors if the mortgage commitment is not met, when there is in fact no lawful or real creditor, Mortgage industry is designed to fail as there is not enough money in circulation for all people to repay loans The question to ask then is the man or woman and their property being violated? Yes, in the sense that the whole mortgage industry is predicated on the belief that money was borrowed and has to be repaid. It was not borrowed from anybody. All banks hold liens against the property of the people for this transaction. If a borrower does not service their loan for any reason then a bank can foreclose on their homes in the courts of this country. So the person and their property are at constant threat of violation and a certain percentage are destined to lose their homes. This is guaranteed because the bank charges interest and this interest does not exist in society to repay the debt. Therefore some people inevitably have to fall off the edge and lose their home. The state endorses this mortgage industry wholly. It is a gross violation of the rule of law. Heatlh Compulsory water fluoridation in the face of staggeringly high levels of scientific studies outlining its absolute detrimental effect on all areas of health. This is a direct and gross violation of the rule of law as it physically attacks the people. Cancer industry. Repression and refusal to admit many touted and potential cures for cancer into clinical trials and mass society wide studies. Examples being knowledge that slightly alkalised human cells do not ever become cancerous, Hemp Oil, Essiac tea, pure wheatgrass etc. Restricting access to such information and potential clinical trials is violating the people. Education Active policies that discourage any educational model that does not include the state controlling the content, direction and extent of education of children. As a very current example Home Schooling is being attacked - albeit slowly at first – by the Department of Education. Justice Inconsistent outcomes in criminal matters for violations against the person or their property. Wide variance in sentencing, almost lottery like effect. Perceived sense from people that justice is a private club owned by solicitors, barristers and judges. In reality when people live by the rule of law they ARE the law, i.e. they should be able to stand in absolute confidence in any courtroom and meet all claimants head on. This is especially true of mortgage cases. Banks cannot be the creditors as already outlined and hence cannot be lawful plaintiffs in laying claim to people’s property. However our current justice system fully endorses this model. A man or woman should be 100% confident that they could fend off any unlawful advances from these institutions in a court case. Criminalises the man or woman who may be fully in balance with the rule of law for minor civil matters, usually tied into raising unlawful taxation to fund unlawful money creation models as outlined above, examples being Car Tax, Road Tolls, TV licence fee, all forms of registration etc. Social Affairs. Reducing or inhibiting social services for the people to fund and pay unlawful money creation models. Examples being social welfare cuts, hospitals closing, cutbacks in education etc. All of these policies actively work against the life force of the men and women of the land and are not necessary if we had lawful money creation policies. The Rule of Law is not complicated. In fact it is staggeringly simple. If one can manage to never violate another being or their property then they should be assured that their life force, resources, sanity, joy, happiness and love cannot be violated in any way. If we do not have the rule of law on the land then we have nothing. The state may declare that words like this are a call to Anarchy. Anarchy can be defined in many ways, but one is as the lack of governance and law. Well we have certainly had our fill of governance, but just looking to very recent outrageous decisions from our courts it is obvious we have very little true law. So the system that points at us and screams that the ways cannot be changed are the very people who allow such tyranny to hold sway. Could it be that they and not us are the real anarchists? After all we vote every five years expecting to have both fair governance and by extension a fair law. As you depart here today for Munster, Leinster, Ulster or Connaught and go home to live your life in balance with the rule of law, as you and yours statistically are more than likely to do, it might just be worth reflecting on where the real problems lie in this utterly dysfunctional society of ours. We have a job of work ahead of us for sure, but if we can correctly identify the nub of the issue then at least we have a chance. It is time the Rule of Law returned to this land and that one and all adhere to said law. BLOG COMMENTS POWERED BY DISQUS Perceptions of Corruption in Ireland < Prev Truth and transparency gets an outing Next > Courts Afraid of Us Now & Lawful Bank - Roger Hayes British Cons
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 20:49:46 +0000

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