Virginia Schloredt ATTENTION: All Patriots!!! Heres an update for - TopicsExpress


Virginia Schloredt ATTENTION: All Patriots!!! Heres an update for the holidays & especially during Christmas time!!! THIS is our ENEMYS STRATEGY!!! This is what they plan to do when we are busy celebrating to finally TOTALLY DESTROY AND THROW OVER OUR REPUBLIC!!! Please listen closely!!!: These are organized criminals in our midst employed by the Banksters of The Federal Reserve (monitored by Soros and the King of Saudi who give instructions to V Jarrett, not BO). The Act that created The Federal Reserve (non-federal, indeed) was the biggest heist in all of history!!!!!!! This Act was passed under Woodrow Wilson at Christmas time (when nobody was watching!). The reason JFK was assassinated is because he wanted to print our own money & RID ourselves of the criminal cabal The Federal Reserve!!! We are up against these gangster banksters!!! First Rule of War: Know thine enemy. Next, KNOW their strategy!!! Heres their strategy!: Their last gasp & plan for TOTAL & COMPLETE destruction of our Republic and THUS TOTAL CONTROL is to pass THE VERY WORST OF ALL ACTS (yes, its even WORSE than the Affordable Care Act!!!) which is the AMNESTY LEGISLATION that is being pushed in a very organized effort by Soros & Zuckenburg!!! IF they are successful at both bribing & threatening our Republican Leaders (Ryan, Boehner, Issa, McConnell, and others) then they plan on getting this amnesty legislation passed at Christmas time (when we are not watching!!! -- just as they did the Affordable Care Act ALSO!!!) so that the 42 million illegals will be ABLE TO VOTE in all future elections & our Republic (the last stitch of it we have to salvage!) will finally have been completely destroyed -- FOREVER!!! We will NEVER EVER have the chance to ever win another election if this AMNESTY LEGISLATION PASSES & we will FOREVER be enslaved at their whims & be murdered whenever AND HOWEVER they want!!! * THIS IS WHAT WE ARE FACING PEOPLE!!! * WE WERE BORN FOR THIS MOMENT!!!!! May the spirit of our Forefathers rise up in our souls & may we fight this final battle for our FREEDOM and thereby WIN THIS WAR!!!! We CAN AND WILL do this TOGETHER!!! Together is the proverbial word!!! CALL ALL REPUBLICAN LEADERS (John Boehner: (202) 225-0600…Mitch McConnell: (202) 224-2541…Darrell Issa: (202) 225-3906…Paul Ryan: (202) 225-3031) AND BURN THEIR PHONE LINES DOWN WITH THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE: IF YOU PASS THIS AMNESTY LEGISLATION THE TEA PARTY WILL REMOVE YOU FROM YOUR OFFICE AND WE WILL PROSECUTE YOU FOR TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!. HUUUUUUAAAAHHHH!!!!!! United we are standing!!! This is the ONE battle WE MUST WIN to preserve our LIVES & LIBERTY for generations to come!!! God bless you & God Bless America!!! PLEASE SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE!!! LETS GIVE OURSELVES THE VERY BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT OF ALL TIME!!! OUR RESTORED REPUBLIC!!! LETS ROLL PEOPLE!!!.... Stars & Stripes FOREVER!!!!!!! :-*=) AMEN & AMEN!!! ***
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 19:45:21 +0000

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