Virgo Forecast for January 2015 By Susan Miller The coming - TopicsExpress


Virgo Forecast for January 2015 By Susan Miller The coming year is about to be one of your best, dear Virgo, but you wont fully understand the truth of this until you get to mid-August. To throw your expectations off a little, we have a very difficult full moon, January 4, which will make a lot of people stand on their desks with bullhorns and scream, I knew it! I am doomed! Here comes another terrible year! No, no, dear Virgo - that could not be farther from the truth! The timing of this full moon is unfortunate, coming so early in the New Year, but its by no means a sign of things to come. Full moons deliver news, and then they are quickly gone. The January 4 new moon, 14 degrees, will be in Cancer, lighting your house of friends, and will be in hard angle to Uranus in your house of money. If a friend owes you money and had promised to repay you, you may be shocked to hear you wont be getting the repayment, at least not now or anytime soon. Pluto will oppose the moon, so it is alternatively possible you loaned money to a lover, or even one of your grown children and desperately hoped to see that cash come back to you, but alas, it looks like it wont. Or, if you are owed child support, that check wont be forthcoming, and you will need contingency plans to fill in for the missing check. Or, it may be one of these people in your circle (friend, lover, grown child) will have a crisis and need you to write a check now, quite urgently. If this is the case, it appears this person would be quite insistent you do so. This person seems not to take a no for an answer. You are a sympathetic soul, and what you will do will be yours to decide, but I am betting your heart will win out, and you will be understanding, even though you will be somewhat rattled by the news. If your birthday falls on September 7, plus or minus five days, this full moon may not be as hard on you as it might be for others of your sign. It is in very strong and positive angle (mathematically) to your Sun, so you may find a way out of the predicament and still do what you feel in your heart is right. The day after the full moon, January 5, and in the sweep of energy caused by that full moon, Mercury will be in fine angle to Saturn, making it the right day to make a decision. If you do make an action, you will likely feel comfortable and settled afterward, as Saturn will lend weight and stability to your thinking and actions. Mercury, your ruling planet, will go retrograde this month, from January 21 to February 11, and it will slide backward in your work-and-health sector. This will delay your projects, so give yourself extra time and money when you make your estimates for clients. Shipments will get caught in Customs, or helpers or recruits wont show up (or if your assistant or production assistant does come, and youve said, Please come early, your assistant will arrive at 11:30 a.m., which your assistant oddly assumes IS early.) Mistakes are easy to make when Mercury is retrograde, so have another pair of eyes check for typos and accuracy. Do not sign any important papers while Mercury is retrograde - delay the signing of paperwork to next month. The best day next month to sign anything would be February 26. If you get medical test results that seem wrong to you, insist on a second test. Now lets have a look at your closest romantic or business relationship as indicated by the placement of Mars. Until now, Mars has been zooming through Aquarius, giving you a very pressured holiday work schedule. A big project may have come up in early December that forced you to keep your forehead to the steering wheel and eyes on the road. It was hard to enjoy the holiday, as this project seemed to be important and demanding. Perhaps you work in a seasonal business, such as retail, hospitality, or restaurant business, which is busy at this time of the year. Or maybe you work in other fields, but due to holiday schedules, you had to fill in for teammates on vacation. You will continue to be busy in the first twelve days, and then again later, but even so, the pressure is starting to come off. Just so you know, you will have plenty of work in the first quarter of 2015, especially through March, and it will be good to know your services will be in such strong demand. If you were self-employed, that would be cause for celebration. The reason I say that you will have plenty of work coming your way is that the new moon - a very friendly one - this month will occur January 20, at 0 degrees Aquarius and will light your house of work projects on that day and in the ten days to follow. You will likely get new projects, and each one will build on your expertise and increase your value in the job market. With so many people out of work, this has to be good news - the work will help you up the ladder of success, for you can ask for increasingly complex assignments that can hone and showcase your abilities. Watch for one of your best career days at the office (or at an event you attend for work) on January 13, when Venus will be in sync with Uranus, and you will do such a great job, you will earn yourself an unexpected chunk of cash, in a one-time payment. Two other days will be sensational for work-related events and news, for Mercury, your ruler, will be sweetly angled to Uranus, planet of innovation and originality, on January 14 and again on January 27. On both days, your mind will be stimulated, and ideas will occur to you out of the blue, in odd times and places, and as you and others study them, you will see your ideas are truly ahead of their time! For sure, the light bulb will be going off above your head, again and again! Because Uranus is in your financial house, on these days, you seem in line for even more financial compensation. You are moving into a phase where you will be thinking more about your partner, in love or in business. If you are serious about the person you are dating, you may be thinking of getting engaged next month, for Valentines Day, after Mercury goes direct. (That would be a good idea - you wont want to make any important moves until after February 11. If Valentines Day seems too soon, I like February 26.) Even at work, working with another person in a twosome collaboration will work wonders for you. Be a team player rather than trying to pull things off alone. In January through March, you will get much farther by working through a close business partner, agent, representative, lawyer, publicist, accountant, or other professional. I say this because so many planets are moving toward your seventh house of collaborations and commitment. If you are writing a screenplay, for example, working with a writing partner may be more stimulating, creative, and efficient than working on your own. You are a hard worker, dear Virgo, and you rarely think in terms of collaborating with anyone, but in coming weeks, it may become necessary, and if so, prove to be a new and very positive experience. There will be one day I would like you to be careful about whom you align with, and that will be on or near January 19, when Mars will align with Neptune, the planet of inspiration, but Neptune also brings fog to obscure facts and figures. This suggests that you may not know enough about the person you are planning to work closely with in the near future, or that you have assumptions that are not realistic. Slow down and think through things more closely. A far better day for love and partnerships of all kinds will be January 30, when Mars, by then in your commitment house, will reach out to Pluto in a friendly way, from your house of true love and creativity. This would also be the ideal day to try for a baby or to fill out papers for an adoption. You may have had a health concern at some point over the past six weeks, and if so, you may now see a doctor to address it after the January 20 new moon appears, plus ten days. Saturn will be well angled to the new moon, so you are likely to find a specialist who understands your condition and can suggest a protocol of treatment that works quite well for you. Of course, you have to do your part by sorting out the very best doctor for you by asking friends for recommendations and studying various doctors backgrounds and specialty of your concern, and perhaps who is associated with a fine teaching hospital where research is continually done. As you see, you will be very busy, and love and fun seem to take second place. Watch, however, Friday, January 25, when the Sun will receive a golden beam from Saturn, ruler of your true love sector. This should be a great evening for singles and bring fun to those attached too. Anything involving creativity and children, including conception, is also favored. The following weekend date, Friday, January 30, will also be special. Pluto, in your true love romance sector, will reach out to Mars in your commitment sector. Love rules the day, so no matter what your status, you will enjoy this Friday night. The second half of 2015 will be so spectacular for love that if you are single you will wonder why you ever doubted that youd find the one for you. You can, and if you make it a priority, you will. Its just that this month favors the Virgos who are already attached. You will have a very productive month, even with Mercury retrograde. Be glad your schedule will open up a little - you will breathe, and thats why Virgo needs most! Summary A very difficult full moon, January 4, will bring up an important difference you have with a friend over an emotional topic that may center on money. Tensions will be unusually high and affect everyone concerned, for this full moon will be under siege from Pluto and Uranus. With unpredictable Uranus so strong, you wont see this matter building steam until it pops, and Plutos involvement suggests you wont appreciate having your arm twisted, which is how you might feel you are being treated during this episode. You will have a choice to bring everything out in the open and forcefully state your point of view. Things will calm down in three or four days, so if you feel you need to temporarily break in talks to provide a cool down, schedule another meeting later during the week of January 12. A big theme of the month will center on your work life, which seems to be bursting with activity. You seem to have many assignments as you enter January, and it will be flattering to see how much your company relies on you. You will barely be able to catch your breath from having been away on holiday before you will be expected to dig in and concentrate on each task at hand. Mars kept you busy in December, and a vital, friendly new moon, January 20, will bring even more projects to do. A friendly Saturn will be in the wings, watching over you, and making sure your work brings notice and long-term stability to your career. Mercury, your ruler, will be retrograde from January 20 to February 11 in the same area of your chart that will have so much planetary activity - work projects - suggesting that when estimating a project, you will likely need more time and money to complete them than you assume. Allow for flexibility. For example, you may need to brace for your trusted office assistant to leave, or at home, for your nanny to announce a departure, and you will be challenged to quickly find a replacement. Certainly in January, you will need all hands on deck. When you are first given a new assignment, you will want to ask many questions and summarize all in a memo or email. It will be all too easy to misunderstand what is required and go down the wrong lane. Mercury retrograde periods often require backtracking, so by going over the details at the start, you can avoid losing precious time. Your finances have had more ups and downs than the stock market, but this month, news is likely to be upbeat, especially on January 14 and January 27. You seem to be concentrating so hard on your work life this month that you may want to put romance on the back burner. However, there is one special day for love that should stand out: Friday, January 23, when Saturn (ruler of your house of love) will signal the mighty Sun. On this day or ensuing weekend, you may promise to be exclusive to each other, or if you are, then move in together. If you are ready, you may get engaged. Its a day that should give you a comforting sense of security, and have you smiling as you think of the conversation you have with your partner afterward. Dates to Note for Virgo: The full moon of January 4 will bring your focus to a friend who seems to upset you or cause great concern. It may be a lover or grown child who causes you concern, but money appears to be at the core of the problem. January 5 brings reason, when your ruler, Mercury, will be in sync with Saturn and provide a stabilizing answer. Mars will light your partnership sector from January 12 to February 19. On January 13 Venus will receive a beam from Uranus, and surprises are due on the work front - ones youll enjoy. More money should come to you due to a new project youll be receiving. January 14 and January 27 will be idea days, when you can do no wrong. Keep writing down those choice thoughts! Youll be innovative! The new moon, January 20, will bring more interesting projects. Also, if you have had a health concern, this new moon will help you find the right doctor to help you. You must do the research, however, so start by getting references from friends. Mercury will go retrograde January 12 to February 11. Your best day for love will be Friday, January 23, when the Sun and Saturn will combine energies. This day favors singles and those attached alike. Its also a day that will foster creativity and help conception. Friday, January 30, will bring Mars in sync to Pluto, another important day for love and commitment. Keep in mind you should make no binding agreements while Mercury is retrograde.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 21:05:50 +0000

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