Virgo, Ganesh (continuing), the Vedas, the Gospel, Harmony, the - TopicsExpress


Virgo, Ganesh (continuing), the Vedas, the Gospel, Harmony, the Cross (3 crosses), the Elements, etc. “Do not conform to the world’s appearances.” Sunday, August 31, the Sun’s Day – the last day of August. In the time of Virgo Sun with Scorpio moon (hidden comes to light). Art - Modern depiction of Vyasa (scribe of the Vedas & Puranas, incarnation or expansion of the God Vishnu, to make all the Vedas [Divine Knowledge] available in written & sound form) narrating the Mahabharata to Ganesha at the Murudeshwara temple, Karnataka. Ganesh, continued Ganesh is known for wisdom along with the remover of obstacles. Ganesh was a student of Vyasa – Ganesh wrote down the ancient teachings. Thus his wisdom. The epic, the Mahabarata (Sanskrit epic/story of ancient India, narrative of the Kurukshetra War - the Mahabharata contains philosophical and devotional material, a discussion of the four goals of life or purusharthas (12.161). Among the principal works and stories in the Mahabharata is the Bhagavad Gita. Traditionally, the authorship of the Mahabharata (history) is attributed to Vyasa (sage) The Hindu view of the universe is that of a cyclic phenomenon that comes into existence and dissolves repeatedly (cycles). Each cycle of time is presided over by a number of Manus (Lords of the World who re-create humanity), one for each Manvantara (units of time, “ages”, age of a Manu), that has four ages - Yugas (Hindu) - of declining virtues (when on the Involutionary Arc, descending into matter, virtues decline – when on the Evolutionar Arc, the virtues emerge once again & expand). The Dvapara Yuga (864,000 years ago, a time of compassion & truthfulness) is the third Yuga (period of time). The Kali Yuga (darkest, deeply into matter, loss of virtues, non-remembrance of our spiritual origins) is the 4th. We are in the Kali Yuga now (we are the 4th kingdom, ruled by Ray 4, learning through Ray 4) – thus the crisis of dark vrs. Light in our world today – spectacular as it it, it is so we may choose which direction we will take – deeper into darkness, or moving toward the Light. In the dissolving times (in between manifest worlds), the world disappears, it is at rest, the kingdoms are also at rest, the Manu is at rest – this is called “pralaya.” At rest. No form. It is called the Night of Brahma. After time, Brahma begins to create the worlds all over again, on a higher spiral. Shiva, god of destruction & creation, is evoked. The first section of the Mahabharata states that it was Ganesha who wrote down the text to Vyasas dictation. Ganesha is said to have agreed to write it only if Vyasa never paused in his recitation. Vyasa agrees on condition that Ganesha takes the time to understand what was said before writing it down. *** Responding to the world today. From the Bible We read from Romans, 12: 2 Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind (through study, discussion, research, dialogue, reading sacred texts, meditation, etc.), that you may discern the Will of God – (Will to Good, Right Use of Will). Discerning what is good and pleasing and perfect. And can serve the world. Gospel Matthew 16:21-27 Jesus the Christ began to prepare his disciples for that which would come about later in His life, following the Plan of His Father. Jesus wanted His disciples to know that he must later travel into Jerusalem and there he would suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, be killed (crucified, 4th Initiation) and on the third day after His death, be raised from the dead (signifying for humanity there is no death). After informing His disciples of these things, Peter took Jesus aside & said, “God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you!” Jesus turned to Peter saying, “Your thoughts & beliefs are an obstacle to me (to the Plan of God since the beginning of time). You do not understand what I am saying. You are thinking not as God (Soul, Spirit, the Plan) does, but as human beings do (thinking only of form/matter).” Then Jesus (who was the Christ which is the Soul) said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come follow Me must deny (surrender) himself (surrender the entire personality to the Soul), take up his cross & follow Me – (There are 3 Crosses – 1. Mutable Cross of personality building, 2. Fixed Cross – Cross of the Soul 3. Cardinal Cross – Cross of Spirit…. What is the Cross? The Cross (vertical arm/horizontal arm – from spirit into matter, side by side working in form & matter w/ our brothers & sisters) signifies Spirits (us, from the night of time) descending into form/matter (Earth) (the Involutionary Arc), living in matter, learning to understand form & matter for millions of years, eventually “remembering” our origins, and then seeking the Path of Return (to the Father, our origins, heaven), which can only occur through the help & direction of the Soul (which is code word for Christ – Soul is an intermediary vehicle between Spirit & matter/Mother). The Path of Return is the Evolutionary Arc. Christ continues to teach – “For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it (will love the focus on the personality), but whoever loses his life (offers up the personality to the Soul) for My sake will find it (find refuge in the Soul & Spirit). What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world (of form & matter, riches, comforts of the body) and forfeit his (spiritual) life? What can we give for Life? For the Son of Man will come again with his angels in his Father’s glory, and then He will recognize us in our conduct. *** Harmonizing In our work each day we are Harmonizing with the groups around the world. We with intention merge & harmonize with the Goodwill Group & the Conference (the “call” of Group Living) coming up – in Florida & San Jose. Priest at Mass The priest today asked his servers on the altar, after communion, “did everyone receive communion? They answered “yes.” I was touched by the priest seeing to it that everyone was served. Discriminating Questions – Helping In our lives - We ask two questions of those around us - 1. do you need help? 2. How can I help you? 3. What is help for you? What does it look like, sound like? *** Our Group Chart - North node, midheaven, Mars & moon – all are in Virgo. Virgo Sun – The Virgin in the Virgo sign is depicted as having an ear of corn in one hand and a lamp in the other. The ear of corn represents the fruit growing in her womb, her Son, the spiritual food of humanity. The lamp is the symbol of spiritual light in the darkness. Virgo - the mother (matter), pregnant with the Spirit & Soul of God. Birth is five months from now (5th house, house of children). Counting from Virgo – Capricorn, backwards, we have 9 months of gestation. With the transition of the Sun from Leo to Virgo we observe a change in the quality (qualities are the Rays - shade, tone, color) of time: The dynamic Leo-energies change into the gentle and yet powerful character of Virgo. Virgo’s note is to guard, nurture and finally to reveal the hidden spiritual reality (called the Soul, the Christ, the Holy Child). Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - the three earth signs - are in a special way related to the Mother-aspect of Creation: The 1st – the body (physical) has been given to us by our mother; depicted by the zodiacal sign of Taurus. The 2nd sign Virgo represents the love we receive through our mother or our partner. The third earth sign, Capricorn, stands for the birth of the child through the mother. There exists a deep relation between Capricorn and Virgo, for interestingly at the day of the winter solstice at midnight, when the sun enters into Capricorn, the sign Virgo rises at the horizon (ascendant). If you count from Virgo Capricorn is the fifth sign; the fifth house of the zodiac an- nounces the birth of a child. Thus always at the winter solstice in Capricorn the birth of the Son of the Virgin is celebrated. For the journey northwards of the sun now beginning brings to earth the renewed increase of the light and of its live-giving rays. The Mother embodies Nature and the Light of Creation rising out of the dark. The Father is its background holding all created things in existence. The Son stands for the soul, the fruit of the union of the Father-Spirit with the Mother-Matter. The Daughter represents the light or soul body, which is developed through right relations with the form and love aspect of Nature. In the spiritual context the female form in creation is a special symbol of the Mother, and we should not cause grief through a wrong behaviour towards women. Matter – Mother – Virgo The word matter comes from the Latin word for mother (mater), and the letter M as well as its in- version W trace the wave-movement of the water. The Virgo sign also symbolises the wave (m), the crossed line indicates the womb of the Mother. In the Womb of Time, surrounded by the Waters of Space, things grow up until the right time. In most theologies we can find this water, the original or virgin matter. This virginity stands for the state of matter before the emergence of form, impregnated in purity through the potency of the Spirit. Another name for this water is ether. It is the field or the matrix (lit.: uterus) of all manifestations, the space pregnant of possibili- ties, also called ␣Mother of the World. (From the Tibetan (Bailey, from Theosophy (HPB), from Circle of Goodwill (MK) We ponder on these things during Virgo (Akasha). We stand within the Light of the Soul which holds all things in balance. The elements also are held in balance. We stand in the Light of the Soul. This light emanates from us. It is connected to the aithers of space & the 5 cosmic intelligences, expressing through our five centers & networks of nerves. We stand within the Aether of Space – Akasha. Through air we have the touch of the subtle world. All the elements within & outside of ourselves are in harmony. We listen to the music of nature. From the Ashram college & garden under the Light of Virgo. We burn sandalwood for purity, night & day. We sense the Divine in the scent of sandalwood. Sandal opens the door. Love, Risa
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:41:36 +0000

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