Virgo How we accept loss is how we accept life. Sometimes there - TopicsExpress


Virgo How we accept loss is how we accept life. Sometimes there is little difference between the lived experience of winning and the perceived experience of losing save a fleeting moment of joy. It all depends on if we turn a moment of success into a reason to worry. I don’t mean to downplay the harrowing experience that letting go of something before its time can be, but more often than not what we are asked to let go of is more than fair. Wednesday’s eclipse occurs in your Eighth House of death, loss and letting go. It is also the house that rules inheritances- what we are sometimes gifted after the grief. This is how the cycle goes – as decay progresses matter releases its energy to be reincarnated as another form. Pay attention to your compost and take note of how rich your soil is or if it is in need of being turned over. This eclipse is potentially jarring, awakening and disturbing and in this area of life that can mean being taken aback by the backlash of more vicious sources, both internally and externally. Being willing to take on the parts of your psyche that would rather wage psychological warfare than employ a department of peace is a good way to get ahead of the damage that can be done in this astrological weather. Otherwise if you feel free of the mind games explored thus far, this is the kind of eclipse that can have you convening with your ancestors and righting your relationship with them via ritual. Give good grain, flowers and water. Light candles in honor of those that graced you with all good things and be thankful for their contribution to your life. This Retrograde is no joke but I am suited up and ready.......ready to just be still and take it all in, even the parts that dont feel so good!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 00:24:55 +0000

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