Virtues of the Month of Muharram [8] Ruling on fasting only on - TopicsExpress


Virtues of the Month of Muharram [8] Ruling on fasting only on the day of ‘Aashooraa’ Shaikh Al-Islam said: “fasting on the day of ‘aashoraa’ is an expiation for a year, and it is not makrooh to fast only that day.” (Al-fatawa Al-kubra, part 5). In tuhfat Al-muhtaaj by Ibn hajar Al-haytami, it says: “there is nothing wrong with fasting only on ‘Aashooraa’.” (part 3, baab sawm Al-tatawwu’). Fasting on ‘Aashooraa’ even if it is a saturday or a friday Al-Tahhaawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) allowed us to fast on ‘Aashooraa’ and urged us to do so. He did not say that if it falls on a Saturday we should not fast. This is evidence that all days of the week are included in this. In our view - and Allah knows best - it could be the case that even if this is true (that it is not allowed to fast on Saturdays), it is so that we do not venerate this day and refrain from food, drink and intercourse, as the Jews do. As for the one who fasts on a Saturday without intending to venerate it, and does not do so because the Jews regard it as blessed, then this is not makrooh.” (mushkil Al-aathaar, part 2, baab sawm yawm Al-sabt). The author of Al-minhaaj said: “ ‘it is disliked (makrooh) to fast on a Friday alone.’ but it is no longer makrooh if you add another day to it, as mentioned in the Sahih report to that effect. A person may fast on a Friday if it coincides with his habitual fast, or he is fasting in fulfillment of a vow, or he is making up an obligatory fast that he has missed, as was stated in a Sahih report.” Al-shaarih said in tuhfat Al-muhtaaj: “if it coincides with his habitual fast - i.e., such as if he fasts alternate days, and a day that he fasts happens to be a Friday. If he is fasting in fulfillment of a vow, etc.” - this also applies to fasting on days prescribed in shariah, such as ‘Aashooraa’ or ‘Arafaah. (tuhfat Al-muhtaaj, part 3, baab sawm Al-tatawwu’) Al-Bahooti (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “it is makrooh to deliberately single out a Saturday for fasting, because of the hadeeth of ‘Abd-Allah Ibn Bishr, who Reported from his sister: ‘do not fast on Saturdays except in the case of obligatory fasts’ [Reported by Ahmad and by Al-Haakim, who said: according to the conditions of Al-Bukhari, authentic], «لا تصوموا يوم السبت إلا فيما افترض عليكم» رواه أحمد والحاكم، صحيح And because it is a day that is venerated by the Jews, so singling it out for fasting means being like them, except when a Friday or Saturday coincides with a day when Muslims habitually fast, such as when it coincides with the day of ‘Arafaah or the day of ‘Aashooraa’, and a person has the habit of fasting on these days, in which case it is not makrooh, because a person’s habit carries some weight.” (kashshaaf Al-qinaa’, part 2, baab sawm Al-tatawwu’). Perle
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 13:49:26 +0000

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