Vision 2016! Anti -rice import Vision! Anti-Common sense vision! - TopicsExpress


Vision 2016! Anti -rice import Vision! Anti-Common sense vision! Another fracanaca bullshit policy pronouncement from Dictator Jammeh , that he can, single handedly, against all odds, and economic reality, create rice self sufficiency in Gambia, in two years ...My friends, if no one is looking, or listening call this bluff another big fat lie, and a dishonest attempt to raise the hopes of poor, illerate and gullible masses, that he, Jammeh, can pull another Jesus moment, another miracle, turning stones into bread! Just like his bombastic announcement, that he can cure Ebola...before that it was AIDS, just in case you forgot. By the way, honestly speaking, did you ever believe that he can cure anything, much less AIDS, TB, perform exorcisms? Do you still he discovered oil while sipping Ataya, or whstever....10 years later, where is the oil, feeling any richer, as he promised? But I digress... Government policy - especially one that requires a fundamental economic and lifestyle change - requires gradualism, deliberate, measured approach, and implementation. What this latest Vision is doing, is further depriving the poor farmers of their wealth and inheritance that they plan to bequeath, or transfer to their progeny, their children. Dictator Jammeh is committing the biggest economic crime as we speak, through a large scale arable land confiscation, in the name of Vision 2016.We are witnessing the largest transfer of wealth from the farmers, the land owners, to the state. This is simply a land appropriation for the benefit of KGI criminal enterprise headed by Dictator Jammeh. The people do not have to lose wealth for the states quixotic economic policies period The other name for it is, Communism! A state imposed development agenda that reduces the independent farmer to begging will only increase poverty. Before 1994, the fames were fully capable of feeding themselves and selling the surplus, the majority of the rice imports was for the urban areas and for re-export. Is this another admission that, under Jammeh, agricultural productivity has declined precipitously? What happened to the other visions before this latest one, the last 20 years? My friends, tell your families Not to surrender their land to the criminal cabal, currently running every institution into the ground. Let them not surrender land they inherited generations ago, ...let them not surrender land that has been in the family for generstions. Please tell them not to surrender their only source of cash when times are hard, when you need to travel, to start a business, or when someone is struck with illness. The PPP government respected private ownership of property, and trusted people to run their own affairs as they saw fit. Private ownership of property management and wealth is the basis of development, not the other way round. In 20 years, Gambians standard of living has been on a decline, on a downward decline, even the Jammeh enablers agree with that. You measure development through peoples lives, ...who can honestly say that, since 1994, Gambians are enjoying a higher standard of living, with low cost of living, affordable goods and services? Even the reliable Chaalo, or Kobo staple fish, has given up on Gambia and abandoned our shores. Chaalo used to be free at the beach, they have become prohibitively expensive, even for the employed. How many people are employed in your household, or compound legitimately? The army has become the biggest employer of desperate youths, yet the army does not produce anything, ...instead, they consume a disproportionate percentage of national budget while toiling under the unforgiving sun at Jammeh many farms . Lets change this unsustainable condition of state sponsored thievery, headquartered in Kanilai . The PPP is ready to rescue Gambia from the clutches of the Kanilai thief, Yaya Jammeh. This rob Peter to pay Paul economic policy has turned proud Gambia into a beggar nation, a hopeless open air prison. An open air prison because there are more than 60 secret police checkpoints between Banjul and Basse. So no more freedom to do anything...Join the PPP, donate through pppgambia, volunteer, comment. Please share this post on Facebook , like us, and tell your friends, family about the PPP, that all is not yet lost , help is on the way. We will need their support...Please come back...thank you
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:26:19 +0000

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