Vision Of Strength Give me strength great spirit, wash away my - TopicsExpress


Vision Of Strength Give me strength great spirit, wash away my fears Can’t do this alone after so many years Hear me please, stay by my side And help me end this destructive ride I pleaded with spirit day and night To end this torment, this inner fight I needed courage to see me through To follow my heart, myself be true I needed strength, not to lose sight To stay on path and do what’s right One evening, a white tiger with glowing eyes Jumped on my bed to my surprise Scarred and confused I wished this vision away Did not understand that vision that day Weeks went by and still I prayed Unwavering spirit, my faith remained Then returning one day, in a vision I saw That great white tiger walk through my door He said child everyday you pray But when I show up, you wish me away Dear child why do you fear For it’s only through love that I am here Listening to his words, I pushed fear aside With trust and faith he became my guide And with just a thought I was on his back Riding through fields, on a golden track Filled with magic, wonder and awe Celestial vision felt from core Than at a base of a mountain we did stop Symbolising my challenges, I saw no top But up that mountain with strength he leaped Through rocky crevices, mountain so steep He carried me with no fear or doubt Exhilarated but scared I wanted to shout We leapt higher and higher, my confidence grew I felt in my heart, he will see me through So I relaxed and began to enjoy the ride Pushing all worries, and fears aside And as we climbed this dusty trail I knew in my heart, we would not fail Than something strange did occur Hands and paws merged, in one big a blur In this moment we became one Leaping under the light filled sun Looking down I did not see me But a leaping tiger, strong and carefree This vision was a lesson of courage and strength Helping me realise, I can go the length This strength that I prayed for was already in me Empowered Goddess limitless and free Always we pray with an open heart But receiving is usually the hardest part For when answers in visions than appear Our walls are up with doubts and fear Answers to prayers come in many forms Visions and dreams help us transform So don’t be afraid of the darkness of night For darkness comes to show you the light Its serves its purpose it plays its part Helping us grow closer in finding our hearts May this vision I had, help you too Know that all that you seek lies already in you Nari Papatuanuku
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 01:01:59 +0000

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