Vision researchers and political activists of the Armenian - TopicsExpress


Vision researchers and political activists of the Armenian genocide in Mioatha Atta preparation Dergham Published in Arik March 2014 In the former two numbers we have provided the vision and the vision of the Armenian genocide of the Armenian Arabs on the eve of the approaching centennial anniversary of the genocide, and through this number and offer a vision of politicians Albahthein genocide on the eve of the approaching Mioatha through a survey of the views of a number of politicians and Arab researchers. The recognition of the Armenian Genocide Mohammed Abdel Razek Assistant Lecturer, Department of History - Faculty of Arts, University of Alexandria I expect the lack of recognition; Sidinha because it is Mbacrkd prevents chances of joining the European Union Hanna Michel Haj - Jordanian politician and thinker I do not expect that Turkey recognizes its responsibility or the responsibility for the Ottoman massacre of Armenians, as long as the Islamist party governing Turkey. Dr. Hossam Abdel Muti - Faculty of Arts - Beni Suef Yes, with the development of democratic governance sure Rabab Kamal - Liberal Constitutionalist Party There is international pressure on Turkey to recognize the massacres committed by the Ottoman Empire against the Armenians, and coincide with the challenges faced by Turkey, which is witnessing an increasing wave of repression and authoritarianism at the expense of fundamental freedoms. This may be the pressure at this time to provide an excuse for the way the apologies of sympathy given by the people, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, the anniversary of No. 99, but that these apologies are far from official recognition of crimes of genocide that took place before nearly a century of profits. D. Ahmed Shaker Keywords - Professor of the History of Modern and Contemporary Iran University of Kufa - I do not think unless you change the ideology of the entire state EU membership Hanna Michel Haj Personally, I appreciate that the Union of European countries, will not agree to accept Turkey a member due to Retweeted outside the flock, Valsrb in European countries calling for secularism, and Turkey, Erdogan adheres to the religion as a basis for the rule, and this song clearly outside the European Squadron. Another reason for it. European countries are adopting the principle of devolution of power. And Erdogan, it seems, is seeking to have that power and monopoly, as it did, Gaddafi and Mubarak and other rulers in the Middle East. Here is he finished two rounds at the prime minister does not allow the current constitution to extend it to the third round, is seeking to run for the presidency, as a way to defraud the legal constitution, with a tendency to amend the Constitution to give the president most of the powers of the Prime Minister, which will become prime minister in turn third and fourth, but different names. In this scam of what it seeks to consolidate power in his hand for a long time, just as he did by many rulers in this region without rulers should learn from the lessons of the past Rabab Kamal Turkeys membership of the EU is subject to a number of issues, particularly the practices of the Government of the ruling party in contrast perfectly with the foundations of democracy, especially after the imposition of supervisory practices in recent times on the Internet and crack down on judges and try to be subjected to the authority of the state through the Ministry of Justice; than hits independence elimination of the wall, and try to censor the media and attempts nationalized ... and the increasing sectarianism in Turkey, but that scene kicked adviser to the Prime Minister for a protesting a coal mine explosion disaster and dealing with these demonstrations, reduces the balance of Turkey to the Union .. . the whole thorny issues will not condone the European Union to accept Turkeys membership .. Vaatrav Turkey Armenian genocide crimes a stumbling obstacles that prevent the accession of Turkey to the Union .. and it may recognize the closer a big step in that direction, but I would not condone non-union practices Democratic pursued by Turkey. Global recognition of the Turkish genocide Hanna Michel Haj Likely to increase the recognition and condemnation of the worlds brutally massacre against Armenians, with historical precedents that did not explicitly recognize the massacres against the Jews only. This is obviously due to the influence of the Jewish lobby and the money men and the media Jews with great influence in the world. The world has not seen after the U.S. recognition, remorse, or at least, the massacres committed by coming to America, including the massacres carried it out against the Redskins. Rather, they are celebrating a year of Thanksgiving Feast, a celebration of the feast, which represents the U.S. control over the land and rid it of those coming on Almngchin Aljaddedz was Almngson them are Indians. It also has not been committed, including recognition of the Tsars of Russia massacres and displacement against the Tartars and Caucasus Russia and the Circassians who Chrzmoa, as a result of that, on the face of the earth. In the same vein, did not recognize in a clear and obvious, including the massacres committed by the Zionists and the displacement of the Palestinian people, although there are some timid condemnations and denunciations Alhamsh Sometimes, fear of the influence of the Zionist lobby. But none of them did not reach the level of condemnation and conviction major massacres committed by the Nazis against the Jews during World War II, any so-called Holocaust, despite the fact that some of the information to question number advertised for the victims of the Jews, with the belief that many of those victims (estimated Balumblyonin), the prisoners belonged to the Soviet Union who did not know any of their own destiny, and believed that they had included within the so-called victims of the Jews. In fact, the strangest thing is, that an estimated ninety million people, almost, were victims of that miserable war, however, does not mention them frequently and center, but was considered the six million victims of Jewish, as though the Jews were human beings, and the other victims and who were estimated more than eighty million, were simply not counted them ewes account. The history did not mention clearly evident, and a half million Armenians were victims of the Ottomans during the First World War. Though the Second World War has produced human victims, the victims of the First World War, most notably the Armenians, they were just ants being trampled upon with impunity. Rabab Kamal The number of countries that recognize the massacres of Turks against the Armenians will definitely increase, especially with the crowd growing media in recent years, coinciding with the approach of a percentage of genocide which resulted in the recognition and the issuance of France legally prescribed acts of genocide, and the adoption of a law criminalizing genocide and is something which angered Erdogan 2012 . There is no doubt that Turkey is trying to address the matter through its foreign relations, and this has been evident in Obamas speech last, and for the sixth time in a row that describes the events of 1915 Baalmmabh Slaughter, and not genocide Genocide, which is afraid of his statements and promises in his campaign Alantkhaabih in 2008. However, the Turkish press in this matter would not work along the line, though we examine the number of countries to recognize the genocide in general find them on the rise in the past twenty years. How long will recognize Turkey ...? Mohammed Abdel Razek Will be Turkeys recognition of Genocide - The Event - in minimalistic with the required justification and more importantly in this, will that cause a powerful weapon in the hands of the enemies of Turkey and a means of blackmail Erdogan, perhaps associated other types of settlement of other issues in exchange for ceding its embrace by some of these countries. Dr Hossam Abdel Muti I think when there is international pressure by the major powers. Rabab Kamal There are no indications that Turkey will provide formal recognition of the genocide at this time, there is still the Turkish intransigence in constant denial of genocide ... and attempts to circumvent the recognition of the genocide is limited to providing apologies does not sing Tasman of hunger from the door of international diplomacy ... This is contingent on Paziad number of countries that recognize the genocide, and these countries represent only about 10 percent of the international community now, Aln increasing international pressure could force governments to come to Turkey to recognize, but it certainly will not be under the rule of Erdogan and the AKP. D. Ahmed Shaker Keywords When the State Platform for ideological change. Dr. Aisha Abdel Aal - Head of the Department of History, Faculty of girls previously - Ain Shams University Turkey will not recognize something must force it through the submission of documents available to the international court for crimes Ahrb not Tstqt limitations .. World and percentage of genocide Rabab Kamal The crowd and the media focus on the historical evidence, and evidence that confirms the occurrence of genocide that will drive many countries recognize these massacres, killings and systematic forced relocation Holocaust Armenians, and the holocaust of Armenians allegedly become of the terms that have sprung up in recent years in reference to the issue of the Armenian genocide, and will occupy the issue increasing international attention, and the most important thing is to focus on public awareness of the countries of the world. The matter should not be limited to government level only, Oantzaa recognition of the genocide officially .. and this, of course, to come tasks entrusted to the Committee for the centenary of the revival of the Armenian massacres and painstaking effort of the Armenian communities outside the borders of Armenia. Dr. Aisha Abdel Aal The world must unite and attempt to force Turkey to provide Aatmarsmy. Efforts to define genocide Rabab Kamal Party Free Egyptians fully aware of the dimensions of the case, and to realize that community awareness in Egypt does not know much about the case of the Armenians, with the advent of the year ninety-ninth on the anniversary, hosted a seminar to commemorate the genocide .. attended by Consul Armenian and cultural attache of the Embassy of Armenia in Egypt, Dr. Mohammad Imam raised and is well known and who has spent far too long in search of issues in the Armenian and Dr. Ayman Salama professor of public international law. He had told Acanutormohamod Ezzat Alheiia Supreme Egyptians Alahraaro secretary general of the party and former, who attended the symposium of the above and said the word through which the importance of the inauguration of a monument by percentage, and I think that this approach clearly express their vision of the party in solidarity with the cause of the Armenians. The psychological impact of the Armenian genocide Dr. Hossam Abdel Muti Are sad memories for everyone defends human dignity as a human being as a human being and remember, regardless of his religion and identity, it is a message to the killing of human beings that no matter how long it takes, there will of Ahacpkm even contempt Rabab Kamal Anniversary and the psychological impact can Nl_khashma in the word mother who witnessed the killing and burning her children 99 years ago when she said Ive reaped the sky, there is no express informed of this Armenian Genocide is a crime against humanity, and the statute of limitations does not recognize more than 20 countries, but not more than the United Nations and members of the 193 state is a slap in the face of the international community, which provides a step and other delays in the recognition of the Armenian Holocaust in spite of the evidence and historical evidence of clear . D. Ahmed Shaker Keywords Human tragedy, Iatsrna pain when I read what happened from the atrocities against the Armenians of rape, murder and displacement of mass slaughter reject religions and humanity Dr. Aisha Abdel Aal There is no doubt that the issue of genocide is unacceptable in all religions and rejected altogether. The future of the Armenian issue in her memory percentage Alaa Ali - Researcher Master in Modern and Contemporary History University - Ain Shams Work can be done studies focus on the part of the cooperation between the two peoples over the centuries, and which can be better suited future between Alhanpin, rather than studies that focus on the stage of the conflict, which many parties involved in it is not the Turkish and Armenian sides, but also other parties. Mohammed Abdel Razek I expect growing that case, especially that we are at the time the policy of international contemporary, covered a lot of political blackmail and the settlement of the issues, and the desire to play the role of mediator and defender of liberties, add to that the calls to get rid of Erdogan, especially after a number of corruption cases in Turkey, and the escalation of the tones of the protest and trends in the Islamic The claim of belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood. Rabab Kamal It is no secret one of the efforts of the Committee commemorate percentage Armenian Genocide in front of the world public opinion or Arab, and the latter task is not easy, especially since it does not Anzeraleh popularly as a human tragedy, as much as it looks to the issue of the recognition of the massacres of Armenians as an issue undermine Muslims and Islam, , an idea promoted by the radical Islamic fundamentalist currents in communities with high illiteracy in general, and in particular cultural illiteracy. We are in front of Arab public opinion, sees the recognition of the Holocaust and the Holocaust was a betrayal of the cause of Arabism and the question of Palestine, let alone the issue of the recognition of the massacres committed by the Turks under an Islamic caliphate, but you will find currents fundamentalist hotbed in the falsification of consciousness and to play the sectarian. As for the reception will be a combination of Armenians commemorate the genocide and international demands, including recognition of the Turks committed by Armenians in the right of a century ago. Egypts recognition Monitor newspaper says the U.S.: Egypts recognition of the Armenian massacre would be a disaster for Ankara, what do you mean ..? And Egypts recognition of the massacre of Armenians during the political weight of the Arab countries, in turn, will encourage other Arab recognition of those massacre. ..? Says Michelle Hanna Haj Egypts recognition of the massacre that befell the Armenians, it is likely to have a clear impact in the near future on the attitudes of some of the other Arab countries that Stguetda out sooner or later, especially when out of power, at one stage, from the hands of the Islamists of the authority or shed, Erdogan . God bless the martyrs Armenians and all the Palestinian martyrs, who came tragedy, (ie Palestinians) the fruit or the result of the massacre of Armenians in World War I, and was produced by the war of the division of remnants of the Ottoman Empire of Turkey, to the sites of influence between Britain and France as a result of agreements Sykes - Picot , as it was the result of what the Germans committed massacres against the Jews during World War II. The Armenians were the first victims of the war and was mixed by the Turkish Ottoman hating for no ramen different from them and our nation. The Palestinians, were victims of those wars together, where they paid from their children, and display, and their land, the high price, which is invaluable. I propose to unite the efforts of the Armenians and the Palestinians, to establish a joint associations between them, you explain their case, which may be common, demanding justice for both peoples together: Armenian and Palestinian. Greetings Michelle Hanna Haj Dr. Hossam Abdel Muti Maybe in the field of interests, recognize Egypt now, and recognize the Arab countries, Turkey is an emerging country, and I think that the loss of Musrltrkiya Alsaadhaly level of economic and political will have consequences. Rabab Kamal With the non-recognition of Turkey revolution June 30, and continuing their attack on Egypt and its support of terrorist Brotherhood, have established themselves in trouble, not only with the Egyptian government, but with the Egyptian people who tasted the two in the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood. And featured popular campaigns to sign the document, condemns the genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire against the Armenians in 1915, do not forget that the recognition of Egypt - that have been internationally - will serve as a nail in the coffin of the dream of Turkey joining the European Union, Egypt was the time of committing the massacre mandate Ottoman, which in turn will confirm Turkey for committing genocide that. It was evident interest in the Egyptian media in general anniversary of the 99 crimes of genocide, Armenian, Egypt is a political heavyweight in the region that the massacre recognition officially and internationally genocide, may constitute a change politically significant for many of the Arab countries that suffer from tension and swing its foreign relations with Turkey, which hurl standards.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 09:15:52 +0000

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