Visions As young man, I usually had some interesting mind - TopicsExpress


Visions As young man, I usually had some interesting mind experiences, some may call them visions. One of them occurred when I must have been 7 or 8 years old on a trip to Mexico City. My dad was a businessman and often would take turkeys to sell in Mexico City and I would go with him. On one occasion, we arrived in Mexico City at about 5 or 6 in the morning since we took the midnight train from Penjamo to Mexico City. My dad did not have any money to pay a taxi and we could not take the public bus since we were carrying some turkeys to sell in the largest market in Mexico City, La Merced. We walked for a while early in the cold morning. We walked by the night club area and most of the establishments had just closed their doors. I was walking behind my dad and all of a sudden I had a vision of 100 pesos on the edge of the sidewalk. I walked a few steps bent down and picked up the a 100 pesos bill. I called on my dad and told him what I had found upon seeing the 100 pesos he became very nervous and said to hurry up. As soon as we entered La Merced market, he sold the turkeys to the first buyer, no negotiations. He accepted the first offer. We went to breakfast, purchased some things he could sell back in the rancho and took a bus to Irapuato . We were back in el rancho the same evening. One hundred pesos in the early 50’s was a lot of money, specially on a rural impoverished area. The second experienced that I clearly remember occurred when I was 14 or 15 years old and working as a dishwasher in a Glendale California restaurant. I was usually the last one to leave work at around 9 or 10 at night. One night as I walked out the door into the front of the street. I saw (in my mind) a 5 dollar bill inside the public telephone both in front of the restaurant. The problem was that I was about ten feet away from such object. I walked by the telephone both open the door and picked up the 5 dollar bill. I had other such experiences but learned to suppress them since I became a bit scared.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 14:27:43 +0000

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