Visit With Mom.......................... I walked in after - TopicsExpress


Visit With Mom.......................... I walked in after lunch today, she was in her room, sitting in her chair trying to do crossword puzzles...just like MOM used to !! For the first time in 3 years, she looked beautiful to me, not sick, scared or confused. She has a new, shorter haircut with a sweet perm. She ACTUALLY looked YOUNGER to me. She looked and acted like the mom I knew 10 years ago...the gentle mom who sat at the kitchen table with us with her hand under her chin, listening to all of our moments....happy and sad. I remember the times she scorned me after each divorce ( judgement please) while sitting at that table.....she thought I should have just suffered through a miserable marriage......whos happy? everyone else is miserable too, why do you want to ruin your life? she told me.....(Thanks) Mom did not always agree with my life style of fun and the enjoying the lighter side of life (you are just like your father)...As years passed , she decided I wasnt such a bad girl and I became HER confidant. Now I was her friend, confidant, name it. ....I just wanted to jump into her lap and cry. We spoke about how she likes it there because they leave her alone and she does what she wants to...................She spoke about how it was much better to be there, as they make her meals, do her laundry and do things she is too tired to do...the only thing she misses is driving around when she gets anxious. Me: What do you do now when you get anxious? Dolly: NOTHING! I CRY! And it does no good!! and.........the next time you go out for pizza with Dennis and Rocky...Ill go! (two days ago she refused to join us) WOW......I thought............MY MOM IS BACK!! But it was just for a moment.....or maybe this was a dream. Then......................the standard 6 questions .......over and over and over............. .I didnt ask what was for lunch , as I knew she wouldnt remember....... I gave her two skeins of yarn to make (another) scarf, and she got confused by the two scarf, or two, or a striped scarf ?? She thought she had one at home to finish.........she promised to make it, but was confused how wide to make. I modeled the purple one....which was about two feet too short.......... I admired the beautiful pink rose sitting in the Polar Spring soda bottle.......nice rose mom... Dolly: : I have no idea where that came from.. (thanks ma, I gave it to her for her birthday)...........did you give that to me? Me : yes, it was for your birthday last week Dolly:It WAS? you sure? how old am I Me: 91 Me: I am 60. Dolly: wow! Pretty soon YOU will be here!! Me; Yea, I can have your room! (oh , here we go.....Dolly is back) I told her that she had two close nieces visit with her last week. Dolly: They did not come here Diane, I would have remembered (right.) Dolly: They are just saying they came here so they can tell everyone they saw me! I would have remembered! (WTF) Nieces went out of their way to call and tell me they had a great visit with her last Sunday........AND they traveled to see her. I am thrilled they visited and told would I know. The air suddenly changed in the room............silence........ I felt the tears in my throat, and saw them in her eyes and the tension on her face................ok.....Ill see you tomorrow Dolly: Yes honey, go home and get things done.....I love you Me: (Gulp, strong ) Love you too .. Gave her big hug, she started to cry and I did too.................then I told her I loved her haircut and perm. DIANE!! i did NOT have a perm!! Why do people say that about me? I havent even combed my hair yet! We stopped crying and started laughing............ ......Mom was gone again and Dolly was back....Love My Beautiful Dolly
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 12:26:13 +0000

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