Visit to Kalvialaya on 10th November 2013…..A Pictorial Report - TopicsExpress


Visit to Kalvialaya on 10th November 2013…..A Pictorial Report By N. Srimathi I would love to relive another memorable day in my life through this mail by sharing the experiences of a lovely Sunday spent at Pilapur on Nov.10th,2013 . I had the delightful company of Prema Mam, Selva sir and Vanaja Akka to share this day with me. We were on our way to the village after a brief pit stop at Selva sir’s house to refresh ourselves with a hot cup of coffee…thanks to Vanaja akka! When we reached Kalvialaya at around 11.30, the atmosphere was already intense. Shanthi was teaching a complex problem in Math to our tenth std children and in the kitchen (Even in the kitchen, learning happens at Kalvialaya !). Cognizant team was immersed in teaching the current 12th std children. You all can imagine, the atmosphere was palpable..! CTS follows an unique method of teaching the 12th Standard Students. As they come from different groups, be it Maths, Science or other subjects, they adopt ‘Capsule Learning’ system. In otherwords they identify the weak areas and teach their best on the selected topics and chapters. Though they were late for lunch, they took some time to plant fresh saplings in the adjacent Orchard under the supervision of Agricultural Officer Mr Ranganathan. After Shanthi finished her class, I took over to start my session for the day. I covered three important topics in English Grammar and I should say, our children are too eager to learn and I should also appreciate our teachers Shanthi Miss and Thenmozhi Miss, who were with me the entire day participating in the class and showing keen interest to learn too. I made the session interactive to keep the class alive, motivating and cheering the students so that they don’t get bored with Grammar. Teaching these children is such a pleasure and nothing can be more joyful for a teacher than hearing the right answer from her students, when she throws a question at them. Time for lunch break and before the students dispersed for lunch, Prema Mam had a brief interaction with the 12th students and also the Cognizant team. 12th children are getting excellent support from the Cognizant team with regard to subjects like English, Maths and Science. Accounts is the only subject where we are yet to get some assistance. Prema Mam and Selva sir spoke to the tenth std children also, enquiring about their problems and motivating them to work hard in the coming months. A delicious lunch awaited us. We were served with Hot spicy Sambar and a tasty Rasam with a Yum Potato fry. Thanks to Vanaja akka for making all these arrangements. I continued my post lunch session with the tenth std children and Prema Mam took over the 12th std children for the afternoon session. She explained some important concepts in Biology and she felt so proud when children were able to portray the same diagrammatically. When Mam finished her session in the evening, I heard her say in excitement “ I was in heaven”…..i can truly relate to her statement as a teacher, as to what she meant. Teaching is such a delightful experience and that too teaching these children is an experience by itself. What more, end of the day, it leaves us with loads of joy and satisfaction. At the same time, a parallel intense activity was going on at the farm next to Kalvialaya. Breaking News at Kalvialaya !! Selva sir is on a new venture ‘Kalvialaya Gardens’ ! He is not only the first in that village to give after- school support to tenth std children, he is also the first one to try and grow something new in that soil which no one has tried before. Yes, Selva sir with the help of an agriculturist has planted around 100 mango samplings….we are going to have a beautiful Mango orchard at Kalvialaya, may be in the next 3 yrs ! A lot of research and work has gone behind this and Vanaja Akka had travelled to Krishnagiri to get those saplings. As we all know, Selva sir is actively supported by Vanaja Akka in all his new endeavours. This is 100% Organic Farm and the returns will be fully utilized for the purpose of Maintenance of Kalvialaya. I am sure this new venture brings in lot of joy and happiness to all Kalvialaya Well-wishers. After the class, we all were out on the farm enjoying the lovely ambience. We all planted different saplings (sapota, papaya, lime etc) around the corner of the farm so that the Mango trees are well protected when they grow-up. This will be also useful for the purpose of cross pollination. The backdrop at the farm that evening was perfect. Words fail me when I try to depict the scene. The freshness in the air, the soft breeze that gently caresses me, the buffaloes grazing lazily in the fields - they don’t seem to care about anything – they are in their own bliss like me, The vibrant Orange Evening Sun – he not only gives us light and energy, he also fills our heart with such melody, the divine greenery all around me, the laughter and happiness of our children echoing in the air….What more can i ask for…It was a treat to my eyes and senses! I stand there living those live moments making me ask for longer years on this Earth to the Almighty! Now, I know, Why Selva sir spends most of his time in Pilapur when he is India ! Well, whenever we go to Pilapur, it’s always a bonanza for all of us! We not only get the happiness of teaching and being with those children, we not only feel blessed to be in the company of Prema Mam, Selva sir and Vanaja Akka, we not only get to eat tasty Food …we also get to soothe our heart with the Abundance of Mother Nature. After reading this Report, if you think you are missing something in life…..Visit Kalvialaya and spend a day there to recharge yourself. In this game of blissful learning and teaching there is ‘no retirement’ whatsoever. Regards Srimathi
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 14:57:57 +0000

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