Visitor: Rome also believes in salvation by grace. see the - TopicsExpress


Visitor: Rome also believes in salvation by grace. see the following for proof: TRENT CANON I. -If any one saith, that man may be justified before God by his own works, whether done through the teaching of human nature, or that of the law, without the grace of God through Jesus Christ; let him be anathema. ANSWER: ... Indeed we fully acknowledge that Rome teaches salvation by grace but not salvation by Grace ALONE. Rome only believes in the NECESSITY of grace but not the SUFFICIENCY of grace. Jesus does not provide they with EVERYTHING they need for salvation. They must do many things to maintain their just standing before God. Please note that Trent actually rejects the biblical teaching of grace ALONE here in the same document: CANON XI.-If any one saith, that men are justified, either by the sole imputation of the justice of Christ, or by the sole remission of sins, to the exclusion of the grace and the charity which is poured forth in their hearts by the Holy Ghost, and is inherent in them; or even that the grace, whereby we are justified, is only the favour of God; let him be anathema. CANON XII.-If any one saith, that justifying faith is nothing else but confidence in the divine mercy which remits sins for Christs sake; or, that this confidence alone is that whereby we are justified; let him be anathema. CANON IV. If any one shall affirm, that man’s freewill, moved and excited by God, does not, by consenting, cooperate with God, the mover and exciter, so as to prepare and dispose itself for the attainment of justification; if moreover, anyone shall say, that the human will cannot refuse complying, if it pleases, but that it is inactive, and merely passive; let such an one be accursed! CANON V.- If anyone shall affirm, that since the fall of Adam, man’s freewill is lost and extinguished; or, that it is a thing titular, yea a name, without a thing, and a fiction introduced by Satan into the Church; let such an one be accursed Ironically, these directly contradict many of the declarations of the early church by Augustine and in the the Council of Orange
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 16:47:00 +0000

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