Vivian so much wrong with post trib (whiplash - TopicsExpress


Vivian so much wrong with post trib (whiplash theory)...... Order of events for pretrib..... Rapture (earth to heaven) Bema Seat Judgment (in heaven) Wedding (in heaven) Lamb who is worthy takes scroll/book and open 1st seal (in heaven) First seal - a/c let loose - treaty confirmed - trib starts (on earth) Continuation of seals/Two witnesses begin preaching/144,000 Messianic Jew Evangelist super-powered & start preaching (on earth) Saints that die are before the throne (in heaven) 7th seal opens to reveal trumpet judgment and there is a half hour silence (in heaven) 1st - 6th trumpet judgments (opened in heaven performed on earth) Around middle of trib 7th trumpet judgment - God’s temple in heaven was opened - opens bowl judgments (in heaven) middle of Trib - a/c kills 2 witnesses & they rise after 3 days & ascend to heaven - fight in heaven satan & demons thrown to earth - False prophet revealed - religious leader who unified the religions of the earth is killed and FP takes over - a/c wounded or dies satan enters him makes it look like a resurrection - possessed a/c goes after Jews who flee (most likely to Petra) - mark of the beast and one world religion of worshipping the beast begins - 3 angels start proclaiming throughout the earth 1. the gospel 2. Babylon is fallen 3.those who worship the beast & his image, & receives his mark on his forehead/hand will receive wrath of God & be tormented with fire & brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb & the smoke of their torment ascends forever & ever & they have no rest day or night ~ who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name (most on earth---except the fight) 7 bowl judgments released (opened in heaven performed on earth) - Babylon falls - party in heaven over Babylon falling and all is almost over (in heaven) Christ and Wife {already married} return- Armageddon (begins in heaven comes to earth) 75 day gap between end of trib and millenial - completion of first resurrection - Sheep and Goats judgment happens - a/c and FP thrown into lake of fire - satan bound for 1000yrs (earth) Wedding feast (earth) Millennial (earth) satan unbound - last war - Jesus/we win again(earth) Great White Throne judgment - (the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them) - all unbelievers throughout time and satan and fallen angels and hell and hades all thrown into the Lake of fire New Heaven and New Earth and New Jerusalem
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 05:07:33 +0000

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