Vladimir Boldin Anyone who loves the Great Russian Orthodox - TopicsExpress


Vladimir Boldin Anyone who loves the Great Russian Orthodox and its beautiful people 85 regions of the country, the younger generation of our dear Fatherland my compatriots living abroad Ladies! Dear ladies and gentlemen! My young friends! Before proceeding to the presentation of my appeal to you, my dear soot-chestvenniki, would be honored to briefly introduce myself: Boldin Vladimir, ro-dilsya in the Russian city of Vladivos-tok, currently reside in the western city of Russia - Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg) , higher education, in Russian-sky. A graduate of the Far East (now Ussuri) Suvorov Military taught-conductive in 1965. I appeal to you, my friends, regardless of your political under-passion and views on the development of modern Russia, uniting all love our motherland th, however, embodying the say-ing of St. John of Kronstadt: I thank God, to any parties do not belong. Belong to all who (sin-cerely) stands for God, King and Russia. I am not in the Cossack associations, but I close in spi-rit to act, problems regarding the revival and development of the Cossacks, as well as public ser-vice ka-zakov in modern Russia. Close to me the idea of patriotic movements in their aspiration to revive the Great Orthodox Russian Empire. By familiarizing yourself with the program ma-terial of a number of organizations and communities imperial orientation, their deep and clear in its meaning and content of the common man, I have made for myself quite optimistic conclusion that, with your permission, my friends, I am willing to share. Do not judge me harshly, but I came to the conclusion that that light the path chosen by true patriots of the Russian State, a dif-ficult, but it is attainable when combined action of all the forces who are not indifferent to the fate of the revived Russian and then the dream of the great Russian artist Ilya Glazunov: ... about the monarchy today can only dream as dream of love, happiness ... can become quite real. Probably contributed to my decision to join the Union zealots memory of Emperor Nicholas II. After some thought, I decided to appeal to all, supply and interest-from wearing yourself to the professionals in the field of Russian literature, to speak out-of essentially offered to your atten-tion already published the first two parts of the hu-dozhestvennaya journalistic materials from the series On time ! O mores! - Ironic-parameter form of disturbance decline of public morality (Reflections of Russian-ray ordinary citizen to a free and given the theme). I do not stop working on the continuation-zheniem his thoughts, which should, in my opinion, cause wide-tion of Rus-sian readers, including our compatriots living Roubaix-pulp, some interest. I am deeply convinced that they (my potential readers) mo-gut and should know all the stages of development, or rather, changes in the outlook and consciousness of the Russian people, in comparison with the period of the Soviet dictatorship boundless com-communist regime - the period of the dark years of the dictates of the Communist Party and its true satraps of the KGB and the main political di-rectorate of the Soviet army and Navy; Fascism and betrayal - these are the two components to-gether with the Ukrainian Bandera-fascist regime, which I with respect to the-shu fiend. To this conviction led me all the same Party, thanks koto swarm, I mean my membership in this organi-zation (ironic, is not it?), I became what he was - a man of his country. All this takes place in my razmysh-leniyah. Referring in more detail in the records of questions about the Kaliningrad region, behind-the-Remarkably Russian territory, I would like to see this most western corner of Russia, to know more people. Yes, and the problem of my city and region character-istic of most of the regions of our country, and some foreign countries, so authoritative opinions and people close to me in spirit to the people for me are very important. Unfortunately, and Im embarrassed to admit it, I have some difficult as-tion with respect to the implementation of his book. Today, already published book (the first two parts), I dreamed of working on it for over a year, is available on online stores pages publisher in the demon-end waiting for the hour of the meeting with the readers. Alas, todays Russia is not on-shlos any individual, company or organization on whose help I could count on. In this case it is not just about financial support. May have pro-vided a positive assessment of the contents of the book, you, dear friends, could help make it the property of the readership with an interest in Russian literature, and, to a greater extent the younger generation. (To make an order for the purchase of my book, you can e-mail addresses publishers PubMix (Russia), which gave a positive assessment of my product: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). If that was done by me properly, I beg you to excuse me. I love my country and, as a native Russian people, I want to bring my country and my people favor in the best of their ability and opportunities available to me by all means. I want to believe that elected me the way to do literary work will help me build confidence of my homeland, the ministry which I have devoted my entire life. Only my love for Russia, is shown, in contrast to Nicholas Rastorgueva (Russian ensemble Lube), with only one difference: for me v a c e i - not from the Volga to the Yenisei River, and Russia - from the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean and the North of the Earth to the southern borders of our country. Testament of the great Suvorov, embodied in the slogan of the World Cadet brotherhood: Life - the Motherland! Debt - the Mo-therland! Honor - to anyone! Helped us, thousands of inmates Suvorov and Nakhimov schools and cadet corps of Russia, honestly perform his duty to the Motherland and its people; appropri-ate to add to this remarkable statement of our contemporary Yevgeny Romanovich Ostrovsky: Serve the whole light, that was, is and will be in Russia. Alien to me grandiloquent speech and actions, which are so fond of falsely rend the air with many chiefs and leaders of our political parties and movements of different tol-ka, from idle talk which the soul turns inside out. Constantly hear about their readiness for the Russian people to put your head on the chopping block (previously preferred to rush to the rails), unsubstantiated debate about patriotism. Their arguments, presenting-dent, as caring about ordinary people and their quality of life, they are given as a form of patriotism, while they do not delve into its very essence, while patriotism, in my opinion, should be in the blood every honest person, but not everyone has this blood can be crystal clear. And then might be irreparable, - a person ceases to be a patriot of his homeland, it belongs to the motherland begins to cause doubt and, in the end, that person ceases to be a citizen of Russia. A prime example - many corruption cases of manag-ers at various levels of government to our state. For me, does not matter what nationality you are: Russian, stole-last, the Belarusian, Tatar, Ya-kut, a Jew, Bashkir, Buryat, Chechen, Kalmyk, Chuvash - most importantly, to love their homel-and - Great Russia. As he wrote at the time the commander of the Russian Volunteer Army, Lieutenant-General AI Denikin, Russian is not the one who wears the Russian name, but the one who loves Russia, who said it was his Fatherland. Do not think I did not modest - it is defined-tion I with full con-fidence to try on. However, despite my admiration for this prominent Russian voenachal-exchanger and a great patriot of Russia, I can not accept the position of Anton Ivanovich, denied the idea of reviving the monarchy in Russia, as well as beliefs in this regard Admiral Alexander Kolchak. Big mistake white Command troops on all fronts was misunderstanding the changing nature of the fight against the Bolsheviks as a result of the First World War, when the war from outside, with Ger-many, has evolved into the interior, with the Bolsheviks, and the lack of a unified command and control on all fronts for the liberation of Russia from Bolshevik usurpers. These are indisputable facts probably become one of the obvious reasons for the defeat of the White Army in the Civil War. Only the unity of all patriotic forces, who firmly believes in the inevitability of the revival of the Great Russian Orthodox, can serve as a key to success in their chosen path. I will be very grateful to everyone who deems it possible to respond to me in essence to my treatment, and I hope to be useful if the need arises. Ha rentier that - my honor of a Russian of-ficer. Never run out of memory of man dark pages of Russian history. When November 14, 1917 in St. Petersburg was arrested the entire leadership of Russian Cos-sacks (their fate is known), which was the actual beginning of its destruction, as an estate, the abolition of the Cossack units. Kogda17 July 1918 was the day the curse of the Bolsheviks, led by patients on the head Russian destroyer Ulyanov, guilty of a foul murder of the family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas Alex-androvich Romanov. When 10-12 March 1919 to address the red member of the All-Russian Central Executive Com-mittee murderer Mekhonoshina in Astrakhan was shot at least two thousand demonstrators ra-bochih and their families; about 180 people were loaded into a barge and sunk in the Volga Riv-er. When, just in the Asian part of Russia - from the Urals to Vladivostok, for the period from the date of the Bolshevik revolution in October 1917, and by 1922 were destroyed in Luthor million Cossacks. And thats not counting the Don and Kuban! Whereas, among them-shih died in the Civil War in the ranks of the defenders of Orthodox Russia, rendering, were no more than a third of this terrible figures. It was a natural genocide of an entire people, the scale comparable to the Turkish massacre of Armenians in 1915-1923. When the Revolutionary Committee of the Crimea under the direction of escape from Hungary, Bela Kun-lyal upset and drowned in the Black Sea in 1920, more than 120,000 laid down their arms Russian officers, cadets and Cossacks. When many countries took Russian patriots of their country in difficult times for the country the twenties of the last century, caught by the will of the Bolsheviks in exile, which included the whole compound Cossack troops, more than a hundred thousand, did not change the Faith and the military oath, valiant generals and officers of the Russian army his Imperial Majesty and the very young patriots - cadets and cadets Russia. When December 5, 1931 the communist leadership of the country explodes in Mo-skvea Christ the Savior Cathedral, in the same year in Simferopol soars into the air Alexander Nevsky Cathe-dral, and so throughout Russia, destroying for many years the Holy Faith Ros-these. When the spring of 1940 the NKVD at Katyn by the decision of the Politburo of the CPSU (b), carried out a massacre of around 22 thousand Polish citizens (mostly captured Polish army offic-ers). When in 1962 by a decision of the same Politburo Novocherkassk shot peaceful demonstration of workers and their families that need a little a lot of bread, meat and milk. When the Soviet decrepit courtiers forgot the true patriots of Russia, who lost their lives in the first Great (World) War of the Faith and its Otechest of. All the atrocities committed by communist Bolsheviks over the years Vlad-operation of our ho-meland, are endless. I did not remind you of the heroic past cal Russian people in World War II, including the first large (global) war. No wonder Napoleon declared: If I were the Cossacks - I conquered the whole world. We do not need to conquer the world, enough for us to hold sacred the memory of truths-tion patriots of their country, who gave their lives for the Faith and the Fatherland. Thank you for your attention and please accept my best wishes for the achievement-zhenii suc-cess in your noble deeds for the sake of the prosperity of his beloved Russia and the performance of all your secret desires. I have the honor! Save us, O Lord! Vladimir Boldin Kaliningrad October 3, 2014 Boldin Vladimir A. Russia, Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg) e-mail: [email protected]
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 11:15:43 +0000

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