Vladimir Suchan The US, the corporate media, and also the UN - TopicsExpress


Vladimir Suchan The US, the corporate media, and also the UN officials, much controlled by the West, come out in a globally organized media event to denounce the announced presidential elections in Syria as illegitimate. To highlight the cynicism, irony, and in-your-face arrogance of these denunciations (after building up and supporting a more than 100,000 strong, al Qaeda-based invasion army against Syria), I replaced Syria with Ukraine in these Machiavellian statements--the Kiev junta wants to run presidential elections on May 25 (hint to the Russian diplomats: learn from the masters, some of the statements can be copied and pasted): Ukraine called a presidential election aiming to give [the junta] a veneer of electoral legitimacy in the midst of a civil war. The opposition and the United States denounced the vote in Ukraine as a farce, and a UN spokesman said it will hamper the prospects for a political solution. But the junta appears determined to hold the election. The announcement raises questions about how the government intends to hold any kind of credible vote within the deeply divided country, where large areas lie outside government control and where hundreds of thousands of people live in territory that is either contested, held by rebels or blockaded by pro-government forces. There will not be any voting centers in areas controlled by the gunmen, Ukrainian lawmaker Sasha Shekhajich told The Associated Press. He said the Ukrainian army and the Right Sector was present in many provinces across Ukraine, and this will make up for the areas outside of government control, he added. But Nadia Belaya, an opposition activist in the northern city of Kharkov, said the only people who will vote are the ones who support the junta. Unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, in the elections on June 3, Turchinov, Yatsenyuk, and Yarosh would be holding elections over the blood of Ukrainians, Boris Dolgukov, another opposition activist, said via Skype from a rebel-held town in eastern Ukraine. If we are being blockaded from even eating bread, how can I vote? This is an outrage that anyone would even think of holding an election in the midst of this carnage, said Maria Volkonskaya, an adviser to the head of the main Western-backed Ukrainian National Coalition opposition group. It is a slap in the face of all the efforts of the international community including the sponsors of the Geneva talks, Yuriy added, referring to the Geneva agreements from last Thursday. The antifascist coalition has called on the putschists to step down in favor of a new governing body made of the peoples governors. World leaders have denounced the fascist juntas intention to hold elections with the country still engulfed in violence. White House spokesman Jay Carney said the Kiev junta was making a mockery of his own pretentions to have a democratically elected leader. The presidential referendum, which is what this would be, is a parody of democracy and would have no credibility or legitimacy within Ukraine or outside of Ukraine, he said. British foreign office minister even said the juntas plans for elections can only be designed to sustain his dictatorship. The statement was made despite the British previous unwavering support for the very same people. UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon also criticized the announcement. The East-European Slavic League envoy Petr Kubesh repeatedly warned that the holding of elections in the current circumstances, amid the ongoing conflict, will damage the political process and hamper the prospects for a political solution that the country so urgently needs. Until now, the junta has been elected only by its own coup. The only candidates effectively allowed to run are only the juntas own candidates. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, “Such elections are incompatible with the letter and spirit of the Geneva Agreement” adopted in Geneva on April 17. U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said: “The Ukrainian regime under the juntas rule has never held a credible, free and fair election and has taken legal and administrative steps to ensure that this vote will not be fair. Calling for a de facto referendum on its legitimacy by means of elections rings especially hollow now as the regime continues to massacre the very electorate it purports to represent,” she added. At the same time, the US also continues to support--schizophrenically, we may add--the very same regime. en.ce.cn/subject/exclusive/201404/22/t20140422_2700728.shtml japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/04/22/world/politics-diplomacy-world/syria-calls-presidential-vote-for-june-opponents-slam-plan-as-a-parody-of-democracy/#.U1fmvvldV8E
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 19:20:21 +0000

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