Vocabulary : BLATANT Pronunciation: BLAYT-ênt Hear it! - TopicsExpress


Vocabulary : BLATANT Pronunciation: BLAYT-ênt Hear it! Part of Speech: Adjective Meaning: 1. Done openly and unashamedly, completely obvious, revealing things that should not be revealed. 2. Annoyingly loud, coarse, or out of harmony with others. Notes: Be careful to remember that todays word does not mean serious, so it cannot be properly used in phrases like a blatant matter. It also is not an exact synonym of flagrant. Flagrant implies an openly visible and unexpected act, hiding nothing, as a flagrant disregard of the law or Russias flagrant aggression against Ukraine. Blatant, on the other hand, implies the revelation of something that is better left secret, for example, blatant misinformation, or a blatant lie. The adverb accompanying todays word is blatantly, and the noun, blatancy. In Play: Remember that blatant may refer to something offensively loud or outspoken: Crystal Ball has been a blatant critic of all efforts to regulate palm-reading and fortune-telling in our fair city. A musical instrument may be too blatant if it doesnt blend in with the orchestra. The other meaning of todays word describes the expression of matters best left unsaid, I was appalled at Mortimers blatant discussion of our plan to blow up the local TV studio, or At Noreens cocktail party Marge blatantly told Ullie that she didnt love him any more. Word History: Todays Good Word comes from blatan(t)s blabbering, babbling, the present participle of Latin blatire to babble, blabber, gossip.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 13:32:56 +0000

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