Voice of agony program Kyoga VERITAS 91:5fm Friday: - TopicsExpress


Voice of agony program Kyoga VERITAS 91:5fm Friday: 01st-NoV-2013 Time :10:00pm-12:00am(studio lines:0756-915915/0785-161021) Producer: Peterson ,Mateeka My parents were proud of me when I graduated with a diploma as a civil engineer without ever costing them a problem related to people’s daughters. After getting my first job, I felt it was the right time to establish myself not only as a man but as a person of family responsibility. My first girlfriend was a nurse by profession. We came together and I paid dowry to her parents. God gave us one child. By this time I had a job while my wife did not have any yet. I tried all means possible to get my wife a job. After spending 2:6m bribing different officials, is when I finally managed to get for my wife a job in Pallisa district. I rented for her a fairly good house for the start and bought basic utensils and furniture. I did this to give a presentable picture of a living room of a profession nurse in case any visitor came round. I was working somewhere far on some sites; but I used to ride to Palisa almost every day after work about 70km away just to be with her. There came a time, we got a contract in Kampala. I was to shift there for the next three months. As work kicked off, I made sure I travelled back to Pallisa every weekend to be with my dear wife and the child. One day as I was relaxing in the sitting room, some money slipped from under the cushion of the chair and dropped below my feet. I counted, it was 50-Thousans.I just placed it back and did not ask her anything. After some days, I checked in the same place and got 70 thousand under the chair again. I did not tell her still. The third time I got 30 Thousand. I decided to ask why she had to keep money under the chair when she has a hand bag,a case, and our bedroom is lockable. She did not give me a clear answer. My wife could tell me quite often that she would be going for a residential seminar, lasting two to three days, awy from Palisade. When she comes back she would tell me she was tired and could not allow me sweet pain. This could last one week or even two weeks after she has returned from the said seminar. This was too much for me and did not want to rush to conclusions unless I got the truth. One day I came back late at night. As I was approaching the entrance on my motorcycle, one of the people working with my wife sighted me and requested me to stop.And asked that boss, are you getting in to meet nurse as usual? I said yes. But when I removed the helmet from my head, he realized he had mistaken me for the in charge of the health center who was his boss and also the boss to my wife as well. He apologized saying am sorry I had mistaken you for him. But I tasked him to tell me truth. That you mean your boss has been coming to my house at this time of the night when am In Kampala? He said please; let’s leave that for another day. I caught up with him the next day and he admitted that yes, but as you know don’t ever reveal my name. I might lose my job. I started investigating and many people gave me information willingly that the nurse and the boss have gone too far. They said if you as her husband has come to know at last, it’s unfortunate. But their relationship has also affected administration of the healthy center here as a result. Some of the junior staff also confessed to me that they were not happy the way things were operating since this particular nurse joined the system. I was still patient and did not hurry to ask her about it.There was a time she left for her home district on 24 the December the day before Christmas saying she would be back. I got an accident with a motorcycle that very day. I rang her but she did not return. I passed through Christmas day a patient and in great pain alone in the house. The young sister was the one who came to help me, she dressed my wounds, cooked for me. She even escorted me up to Ahamadiah hospital in Mbale for treatment and brought me back. She told me it was her husband who told her to come and help me because my wife was not turning up. And she was with me for about five days. May God bless this young sister to my wife in her marriage together with her husband. Believe it or not, my wife returned home after New Year.Her boss the in charge started ringing my wife in the middle of the night telling her how lonely and cold he feels without her company. I told her all the information I had gathered over this period of time. I also decided to ring her boss that night. I kept my tempo cool and politely told him the pain he has cost in my heart by sleeping with my wife. To a point that he could ring her in the middle of the night when with me on bed.Irequested that I meet him in an open and neutral place day time without fear so that we could discuss the matter amicably. He promised he would meet me. My wife got tough expressing concern as to why I had to talk to her boss the way I did. In fact she told me that if you think am in love with him, then take it the way you believe it. The next day instead of her boss meeting me as he had promised he went to police straight and reported that I rang him threatening his life. I had to be summoned. But one of the police men mature in age seemed to understand the agony in my heart. He just decided to meet me and my wife independently out of the police station. He counseled us and we went back home. But she remained not happy and denied me sweet pain for a very long period. I suffered with feelings but I could not think of going out to look for another lady because of this. By this time she had started turning her back completely away from me the whole night. I called her by the title of her profession that nurse, if there’s anything not proper with me as a husband and father of your son, tell me so that I correct it. She said nothing. One night as we were sleeping, my feelings for sweet pain rose so high and she had refused as usual. I waited for her to fall deep a sleep, then tactfully found my way somewhere in there. Buy the time she woke up, that was me hurriedly galloping whatever I had chanced like a thief smuggling away what does not belong to him. She got up and warned me never to repeat it; saying, taking me unaware one day you can easily make me faint off. One day she left home in the morning with some belongings saying she would be back but did not return refused to answer my phone calls. Irang her father asking whether she was with them home. The Mzee told me she’s in Mbale at the uncle’s place. I followed. They sat us down and requested we reconcile. Came back together, but nothing improved. We had to separate. Now more than a year ago .Am 35 years of age but I can say, I am a graduate of civil engineering, but I have also graduated from the school of agony with even a bigger experience. If I could get another lady, God fearing, a graduate of agony like myself, even if she has children, let’s meet and make a new beginning-I promise never let you down. She must not be less than 35.Even if she’s older than me at 40’, it’s ok with me. And for any such a lady who may wish to join me, kindly let her not have any background related to health, like medicine, a nurse, clinical officer, etc.please no.I request that you pass through our dear presenter to reach me.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 11:35:37 +0000

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