Voice of the Popular Front - Official Page 3 h · Abu Ahmed - TopicsExpress


Voice of the Popular Front - Official Page 3 h · Abu Ahmed Fouad: People confirms its adherence to the terms of the resistance # Pflp # palestine # syria # gaza # resistance Damascus - Press Office - Damascus He stressed Abu Ahmed Fouad, Deputy Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine that the PFLP is still sticking to the terms of the resistance of the paper presented to the Egyptian leadership, calling on all factions and the delegation unified to non-approval of any opinions or suggestions aimed at deleting some of them, or postpone a decision on some or subject to future negotiations, calling for dealing with these conditions (as a package). He demanded in a press statement of the Executive Committee and the Palestinian leadership to provide immediately asked to join all international institutions in the forefront of the war crimes tribunals, stressing that any postponement or delay in the submission of these requests will open the way for the enemy and the United States to subdue this matter of procrastination and compromise, and even cancellation. He said Abu Ahmed Fouad that the Zionist enemy, along with the United States are aware of the seriousness of the accession of Palestine into these institutions, so this time is the time for submission of applications, the blood of our people bleed and documents are available to provide all the institutions and the event very hot and lectured in the media, if postponed to this Thread our people will put a big question mark on the role of leadership and responsibility would bring. He pointed out that the United States would press the Palestinian Authority so as not to make such applications, carrots, intimidation and false promises, and the enemy is in a quandary public opinion in favor of our people, the majority of countries condemning the Zionist entity for his crimes, which exceeded the Nazi crimes this circumstance appropriate for the trial of this entity and make it pay the price for his crimes
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 13:36:34 +0000

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