Voiceless228-232: Changing So Little, Changes So Much So far if - TopicsExpress


Voiceless228-232: Changing So Little, Changes So Much So far if i was to summarise my year so far I would say it has been possibly the most eye opening experience Ive ever had. Having no previous knowledge of animal rights or experience with any animals (except dogs) it has opened a door in my mind that can never be closed. Ill never be able to go back to thinking that the lives of animals dont matter, nor would I want to. The further I go into it the more obvious it is that the way we use and abuse animals for our own pleasures is cruel, unjust and unnecessary to the full extent of each of those words. If you see a bird with an injured wing and instead of walking past without feeling a thing you think That poor little bird. Maybe I can help somehow? then you think the pain of an animal matters. If you see a starving dog and you feel bad for that dog and want to feed her, then you think the suffering of an animal matters. If you would go out of your way to stop someone putting a cigarette out in an animals eye, then you think animal cruelty is wrong. If you saw someone holding a knife to a monkeys throat ready to cut his head off and you yell, scream or do something to stop that animal from being killed, then you think the life of an animal matters. Chickens are birds, pigs are just as playful and intelligent as dogs, eating meat, cheese, milk and eggs is equally unnecessary animal cruelty as putting a cigarette out in an animals eye. The animal flesh on your plate did not get there by magic. It got there through the torture and slaughter of an animal. An infant animal, at that. There is no humane/happy slaughter. Just as there is no humane/happy rape, child molestation or murder. I can relate to where youre coming from if youre thinking So what do you want? You want me to go vegan? Well sorry, but that is way too extreme for me. I love animals and hate animal cruelty but nowhere near enough to go vegan! The thing is, if you think the lives of animals matters at all, and you are against animal cruelty AT ALL, the only way you can live by those beliefs is by going vegan, which means to make choices that dont include the cruel treatment, murder and dismemberment of an innocent animal. You wouldnt say you are against child molestation except 4-5 year olds. You wouldnt say you are against murder except when they didnt see it coming. You wouldnt say you are against slavery except if the people had black skin. And it follows that it doesnt make sense to say you are against animal cruelty unless it is on a fish, cow, chicken or pig. Its literally so easy to make this transition. You can still eat all your favourite foods. Pizza, pasta, ice cream, smoothies, currys, burritos, nachos, bread, cake, kebabs, burgers, etc etc etc… but the question is, is it worth it…? Sure you could spend 2 hours on the internet learning everything you need to know about how to go vegan but whats the point? Can one person really make a difference? By going vegan you are directly sparing aware, feeling, innocent animals from lives of incomprehensible pain, misery and suffering. How important it is for them that you do it, and how utterly tragic it is for them if you dont. It is absolutely amazing what you can do to reduce the violence and pain in so many lives simply by slightly modifying your grocery list and what you choose to eat from a menu. Surely there is no easier way to make such a significant contribution towards peace in this world. My suggestion to you would be to just give it a go. Start with making your breakfast vegan. When youve figured out a few things of what you enjoy after a week or 2 weeks or however long, move onto lunch, figure out some meals you love and then finally move onto dinner. When you realise youre legs havent fallen off and you are feeling great about doing something so simple that is helping others so much, youre only wish will be that you did it sooner and only then will you realise what youve been missing out on and what an absolute joy it is to be a vegan.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 05:49:08 +0000

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