Volker Pispers is one of Germanys best political comedians with a - TopicsExpress


Volker Pispers is one of Germanys best political comedians with a tough tongue-in-cheek approach. I couldnt imaging his programs ever being aired on US TV. The same goes for a number of his colleagues. Heres the last part of your transcript which hits hard: 3:28[Morsi, the Egyptian president] is now facing court and is being accused for calling for murder. Its just too much! 3:33Obama wouldnt ever do anything like that! 3:35Because Obama is not calling for a murder, he is ordering it! 3:38But he doesnt call for it! 3:41Because he is the boss. Obama has ordered to kill 3000 people around the whole world with his drones! 3:47Naturally, he announced them terrorists before that, so everything was correct. 3:50You know, right, that Americans have the list? 3:53The official list. It has the names of the people with Obamas signature, that can be shot to death across the whole world. 3:59Without pressing charges, without an opportunity to prove innocent even in a short court process! 4:03And if you were silly enough to be nearby, then you are collateral damage! 4:07You got the wrong people around you, you could just look at that list! 4:15And now imagine if Assad in Syria made such a list and started to kill the people that could pose a danger to him across the globe. 4:21The world society would get outraged! 4:23He doesnt have any right to do it, because he doesnt have a Nobel Peace Prize! Mit einem Gruss an Henrike Eger, Frank Brückner, und alle deutschsprachigen Freunde. Wen koennt Ihr sonst noch empfehlen?
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 02:32:15 +0000

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