Voluntaryism is the idea that in our so-called modern free market - TopicsExpress


Voluntaryism is the idea that in our so-called modern free market we have the freedom to enter and exit into volunteer wage contracts with our employers, financiers, mortgage companies, insurance companies, etc. and that this form of exchange is the most desirable, humane and zero-sum system available (voluntaryists will never mention that surplus-value (profits) for the most part go to the employer, financier, which is the complete opposite of entering into a volunteer contract where profits are to be negotiated); Just as we know it to be in the courtroom that the spoilings of a judges ruling are not evenly divided amongst parties (despite claims otherwise), we no longer operate as a free market in a zero-sum fashion where small capitalists compete against other small capitalists in a free-for-all competitive free market. Instead, our modern form of capitalism is characterized by monopoly finance capitalism, a merger between corporations and the banks where they have merged together in order to undermine competition of small AND large capitalists. Theres nothing volunteer-like when monopoly finance capitalism dominates and controls the levers of lending and printing money. The idea of voluntaryism stems from bourgeois large capitalist propaganda -- they have the luxury of entering into volunteer-contracts with others ONLY under their terms, and anything undermining their proposed contracts is labeled unvolunteer-like; on the other hand, the polar opposite of undermining their ability to dictate volunteer contracts under their terms is the freedom and liberation for the vast majority of the population to devise and create the terms of negotiation by their terms, a proposal that goes against the grain of the sum-total of all contracts being for the enrichment of the 1%.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 20:35:53 +0000

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