Voor wie horen wil. Mark Passio over de praktijk van vlees eten en - TopicsExpress


Voor wie horen wil. Mark Passio over de praktijk van vlees eten en de verbinding hiervan met het huidige systeem van het recht van de sterkste. https://youtube/watch?v=xalIRBqZwlc Voor de mensen die de basis van het werk van Mark Passio: Natural Law and the REAL Law of Attraction nog niet kennen, een lijst van de Natuurlijke wetten: Principles = that which matters most. youtube/watch?v=C1pkJaNbzLU Natural law is expressed through SEVEN BASIC UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES, plus an 8th Principle which binds the other seven together. These Principles constitute a Master Key through which Universal Wisdom (including the Knowledge of the Requirements to obtaining what we desire) is unveiled, or de-occulted. The Principle of Mentalism: the all is mind. The universe is mental. Thoughts lead to the manifestation of things and events. Thoughts create our state of existence and the quality of our experience here on Earth. Therefore, be responsible for everything you create by being responsible for everything that you think. The Principle of Correspondence: That which is Above is like to that which is Below. That which is below is like to that which is Above. The macrocosm (the very large; the totality) and the Microcosm (the very small; the individual units which comprise the whole) are reflections of each other. The Universe is holographic; it is self-similar across all scales. The Principle of Vibration: Nothing rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrates. At the most fundamental level, the Universe and everything which comprises is pure vibrating energy manifesting itself in different ways. The Universe has no “solidity, “as such. Matter is merely energy in a state of vibration. The Principle of Polarity: Everything is dual. Everything has poles. Everything has its pair of opposites. Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree. Extremes meet. All paradoxes may be reconciled. The Principle of Rhythm: Everything flows, out and in. Everything has its tides. All things rise and fall. The pendulum-swing manifests in everything. The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left. Rhythm compensates. The Principle of Cause and Effect: Every cause has it effect. Every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to natural law. Chance is but a name for law not recognized. There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law. There is a time-lag between cause and effect. We experience the aggregation of what comes around, goes around. - Plane of effects (Physical world) This is where manifested realities have formed due to their underlying causes. The plane of effects constitutes that which has already occurred. As such, no power to affect change lies here, because that which has already occurred cannot un-occur; it has become That Which Is (Truth). Human Consciousness seems to be trapped upon the Plane of Effects, meaning that humanity, as a whole, remains ignorant of the underlying causes which they themselves set into motion and which lead to self-inflicted suffering in their lives. - Plane of Causality (Mental world) This is where causes are set into motion prior to manifesting as formed realities. This plane of causality constitutes the causal factors (the Why) which underlie and precede all manifested things and events. All power to affect change lies on this plane. Human consciousness must “move’ from the plane of effects to the plane of causality in order for human beings to understand the causal factors of these conditions which they are collectively manifesting in their lives. Only then will Humanity be able to co-create their shared reality on a conscious level, rather than an unconscious one. - Plane of causality (Mental world / the why) all power to affect change lies here, thus this is where human consciousness must “go”. Plane of effects (Physical world / manifested reality) no power to affect change lies here, but this is where human consciousness is “trapped”. The Principle of Gender: gender is in everything. Everything has its masculine and feminine principles. Gender manifests on all planes. Mental gender is the state of co-existence between masculine and feminine aspects of our human mind. Our left brain hemisphere largely facilitates the masculine aspect of the mind, or intellect (logic, analytical, and linear thought processes) , while the right brain hemisphere largely facilitates the feminine aspect, or intuition (creative, compassionate, and holistic thought processes). 8th generative principle = CARE . What are you giving and focussing on. That will be growing. Like Fuelling ignorance if denying the negative. The 8 th is the “lost” principle, the dynamic of care. What we care about on a day to day basis acts as the driving force of our thoughts and actions. Therefore care can be seen as the ultimate generator of the quality of our experience. This principle has been often referred to as the Generative Principle. The world generative is derived from the Latin verb genere, which means “to create.” What we care enough about to put our will behind is ultimately what gets created in our world. The world is the way that it is because most people do not care enough (even if they say they want things to be different) to change it through their actions.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 08:05:35 +0000

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